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Google Glass - All that you might want to know!

Google showcased the concept of  "Google Glass" in 2012, but for the past couple of months people(500 to 600 so far) started using the Glass and have come up with mixed reviews, with the feedback slightly tilting towards the negative side. Well, it is just a beta version(a test version)! The good thing about Google is that, they have sold Glasses only to app developers, testers and couple more and not to general public. Google is open to feedback and ready to fix problems and make them fool proof, before selling them to general public. I have been following this topic for quite sometime now and have read nearly 100 articles on this. Hence, I'm more or less capable of imparting some knowledge gained theoretically and sharing the same here.
Is it a computer, a tablet, a phone or what on earth is 'Google Glass'?
Google Glass is a head-mounted wearable technology(or a computer) that easily rests on your nose and ears very similar to a pair of glasses, only that it is a "Glassless Eyeglass". It has a camera, a projected display area, a touchpad(near your right temple), a speaker(near your right ear), and a microphone.
It is definitely not a phone but a wearable computer!

It runs on Google's famed Operating System "Android" which is controlled by voice, gestures and taps. For the movie enthusiasts - This technology is something like the one used in IRON MAN movies(although not completely)! Cool, Haan? We are getting there!

The glass projects the display content into the small glass frame(or Prism) in the front and refracts the image into your eyes, so this is how the content is displayed in front of your eye(do not worry, the prism is mounted above your eye level, so you are not going to hit a random Joe walking past you, because you did not see him :-)), The idea is to make information available at all times, and the best thing is Glass connects with your smart phone(only Android or iPhone as of now) via Bluetooth, WiFi, 3G, and 4G services.
1)Tap the touch sensitive temple piece or simply tilt your head up and the screen gets activated. Speak the following two words “Ok Glass” aloud and the voice-activated device gives you a menu with a few options: Google, take a picture, record a video, get directions, send a reply, hang out. Just give the command aloud and Google Glass will take a picture or record a video without you having to touch the device.

2)The captured photos and videos are stored on the flash memory of the device, and can also be shared on social networking sites.

3)Google Glass will show you the emails you receive online and will let you reply to them via voice commands. If you are someone who googles a lot, you will love this device - you just have to ask a question and the device will bring in the answer from the net.

4)Google Maps are integrated into Glass, using voice command one can look up locations on the go.

5)Google Glass can show the world what you are seeing - Yes, live!
Say, you are in a Saree Shop and you are confused as to which one to choose from, then you can make your Friend see all those sarees live and pick one for you in real-time - Now, that is great!

6)How many times in your life you felt the need to have a camera in your hand that right moment -  Say, your daughter just started strolling for the first time, I'm sure many would have missed capturing that moment. But with Google Glass, all you have to do is - wear the device and command the camera to immediately shoot or capture the sweet moment! Voila.

7)For all the Google Plus fans:
Sharing is one incredibly easy task with Google Glass. Glass integrates with Google+ more than any other social networking site(obviously so).
Say for example, you are wearing the glass and cooking Pasta at the same time, you are done with your garnishing and you can take pick by commanding Glass to take one, and share it directly with G+ group, all this without you having to touch the glass - It is that cool!!

Flip Side:
Every product comes with several flip sides, and Google Glass is not an exception.

1)Battery problem - Although Google said the device can withstand a whole day after a single charge, the testers doesn't seem to share the same feeling. The battery life time is only 5 Hours.

2)No LED light display near the camera:  Hence people walking by, will not know if they are being photographed or filmed - Whoa! Now, that is not cool!

3)Google Glass costs $1500 - Whoops!

4)There is no lock screen, no voice command or no PIN code - hence the device's security can be compromised very easily -  This is a BIG concern.
Because of this security flaw, a hacker could easily take control of the device and he/she can see what you are seeing that moment, can hear what you are hearing, and he/she would get a glimpse of your life through your own eyes.
Say, you are wearing the Glass and at the same time looking at your computer at home, since your Glass is already compromised, when you type down the password to unlock your computer, the hacker is seeing that from a remote location via your eyes - OOPS, this is damn crazy!!

5)Futuristic Concern:
Note: The current version does not support "facial recognition technology" - but in future, it may.
If that happens, the "facial recognition technology" will allow a Google Glass wearer to walk past you and instantly know who you are, what you do, where you are from and it will list out your FB, G+ profiles and ultimately, your history is on display to the wearer - Scary, isn't it??
That is why I always say, never over-share information online! Internet should be used judiciously.

6)Wearing this gadget so close to the head(in turn your brain) might damage your nervous system or brain functioning - Do not have proof of sorts, but this could happen!!

Hope they rectify all the negative points before selling the Glass to general public!!

So Google Glass's ultimate aim is to - "Experience the world without you having to physically meddle with the device".

Hmm... this is just for fun!! ;-)
Image courtesy: Google


  1. I haven't heard about the glasses and it was great info reading through your post. I was intrigued until I came to the part on "Flipside".

    My brain already gets tired with the hours I spend in front of my laptop. At times, its so unbearable and the tiredness gets to me that waking up for work in the morning is so difficult.

    1. HaHa, yes the flip side actually flips people up!
      But again, I'm sure Google is gonna fix all that is laid out before selling it to public!!

  2. Very Nice. .! ! !

  3. Very nice info Pavithra, You gathered lot of info here.

  4. Very informative Pavithra.. Never heard about the google glasses before.. thanks for sharing dear :-)

    1. Pavithra, please collect your Liebster award from me..

    2. Hey Nilu - Thanks a lot for nominating me dear!!
      Heading to your blog now!!

  5. I also read in the local newspaper about the Goolge glass. But you have gathered so much info than a new paper. :) The last pic is really funny..

  6. Wow! Sounds fun and scary at the same time. My imagination is going wild...good one Pavithra!

  7. Nice knowing about this innovative feature in details. It does look like an interesting idea, but am a little concerned about impact in the body and eyes.

    1. Thanks Kalyan!
      Hopefully Google takes care of the pitfalls!

  8. This I think will go the Segway route. Google is assuming that people are lazy and don't want to use a phone. Much like Segway thought that people would prefer their pods to walking!

    1. It is interesting that you compared GG to Segway!
      Segway went down mainly because the product inventor could not quantify the product to any particular vehicle classification. This is an unfathomable mistake - The lesson in the form of quote would be - "If you cannot measure it, it doesn't exist."(Period)
      So people/authorities were confused, if the vehicle is supposed to be used in public then the vehicle should be classified and then number plates should be allocated...& so on. There was no vision or forethought per se.
      I think Segway is banned in public roads in more or less every country(Forget India, we will be dead if we use that in our crooked roads) with the exception of The USA(there could be a few more countries, I dunno) where Segway is allowed in several areas like long sidewalks, pavements, parks, malls etc. Also it is one of the widely used vehicles in many big companies around The USA as an intra-company commute after bikes(In Indian term - cycles).
      So Segway is still being used, just not in public. But you are right - it did not live up to the hype.

      But trust me, GG is the pioneer in HUD(Head Up Display), it will take couple of versions to perfect the technology, but it is the "in thing"!! See, the next level would be to get rid of the glass frame and build the technology in contact lenses, which is even more cooler!
      When you talk about laziness of people - Do you remember the days when "Rin soap" sized smartphones came with internet connection as pioneers? Back then general public was skeptical to use internet in mobile phones, but we all got on with it and now we cannot live without a smartphone. As and when a change to a routine happens, human mind would immediately say a "NO", but we will catch up with it eventually! See our psychology works that way:-)
      And as always, thanks for sharing your views and giving a different perspective.

  9. Yes, psychology does work that way. And HUD has been around in fighter jets for the use of pilots, giving them various views necessary in combat.

    And while GG is bringing it to the masses, the concern here is that say we're in a group of 6-7 people, all out for coffee and conversations and each with their own GG. And one wants GG to click a picture of the group, you've to speak up to GG. And what are the chances that someone else's GG won't light up and click? And also, there will always be that one person who will have to 'see' the pic for GG to click, which means that one person will always be left out of the group pic! ;)

    Just a walk-through about the implementation, which am sure has been covered by Google (hoping, because this is just one case!). And if all start speaking to their GG (to click, tag, post, share, tweet) together, what's the point of meeting other people for the coffee! Atleast right now, people do it silently and on their phones...! Just another perspective!! :)

    1. Thanks for the insight on HUD, I seriously had no clue that Fighter Jets use HUD technology! Good to know.
      Okie dude, the conclusion to the friends trouble in para 2 & 3 can be solved by doing the following: When you meet up with bunch of friends please & again please do not take GG with you!! :-)
      To be very candid, even dropping the smartphone at home will be a good idea, to have some meaningful, uninterrupted conversation with friends!! :)

  10. Welcome on the HUD! Lots of simulators already offer this during training session. Get a basic simulator training game for your laptop / PC or iPad and exp. HUD for yourself. It is pretty cool!!

    And GG is here to replace your phone and make a wearable gadget. That bit is what I am unsure of. What I am absolutely sure of is ditching the phone when going to have coffee and conversations with friends!

    1. Kunal, GG will not replace phones, GG will only be an extension of you phone, like a plugged in device. The main reason is "SIM cards"(although, can find a way to emboss sim in the GG frame)- you cannot carry around a sim card that close to your skull in turn you brain and I'm sure this is where "ERGONOMICS" come into picture. That technology would not be approved by the Hardware council/board, I guess!!(This i'm not sure of, Im just bluffing! ;))

  11. ooh! the flips sids are definitely scary , is it not?...say how far ahead we go ahead in technology, one flop and it still is a gravely big thumbs down. great post, dear. And, the

    1. Totally agree with your comment!
      One can win 100 times, but that one small mistake would over power the glory of 100 wins!
      spot on.


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