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RIP 'Google Reader' and what next?

We all know 'Google Reader' would shut it's service down on the 1st of July this year. If you are not aware, then try logging into Reader, you get a popup reminder like the one shown in the picture below. There are so many people, who logs into Reader as the first thing in the morning than logging into their own blogs, for them this shut down means letting go of a helping hand. And the worst thing is, there are umpteen number of alternatives available in the market for free, so which one to choose?
To be honest with you, there are pluses and minuses in each and every product. But there are 2 Reader alternatives which come close to Google Reader and that is Feedly and Digg!

I'm somehow inclined to try Feedly, so here I have jotted down some basic information to get started. If you already are using some other alternative, good for you! - You don't have to read further, coz this post is only about Feedly!

Ok, So why do you think Google is shutting down the Reader?

  • Ever heard of the line "Show me the money"?? Yeah, Google Reader was not generating any revenue for Google per se. Well, there are no advertisements listed in GR, so where is the money? Right.
  • Google Reader was losing considerable amount of Readers/Viewers over a period of time, hence the shut down.
  • Google wants to concentrate on few good apps rather than lots of mediocre apps. Fair enough, I think Google took a leaf from Steve Job's style of working!

Does Feedly have all the features of Google Reader?
More or less, yes!
Feedly supports features like list, keyboard shortcuts, tagging, favorites etc.
You may have to jump in and explore further!

How can one migrate/synchronize/transition/import to Feedly?
The process is very simple. Login into feedly URL using your Google account. Feedly will automatically sync your Google Reader account with Feedly., that is comfortable!
Here are the links to various Browsers and Mobile OS:
Note: I tried Chrome, so the rest of the URLs are untested.

Also note - "Google Reader" is different from "Blogger Reading List" - Do not get confused!!!
"Blogger Reader List"(See picture below) stays put. So do not worry!
So you will still be able to see the updates in the scrolling list, just that it is not as comfortable as the Reader.
I confirmed this news from a fellow Googler's blog

Hope this helps! 


  1. Actually I am quite disappointed with google reader shutting down. Its a space to see recipes and every other postings of my friends. I have spend much time on it but guess there's nothing much we can do.

    Well, I suppose money is an issue to many thing we do and the same for google. Will check out feedly and see how this should good.

    1. Ohh me too!! I know change is always difficult, but yes cannot do anything other than finding a similar Reader - do give it a try Nava!!
      Feedly is coming up with some more features very soon, may be to better Google Reader. Fingers crossed.

  2. Ahh.. that's a timely post... I have been using BRL from the beginning, so this isn't a big worry to me as of now... But as u say, there r umpteen number of replacements and selecting one is a difficult task.. Great u found a gud one... And heard they r closing GFC also soon.. But no authentic news as of yet.. As u rightly put, Google is following Steve Jobs' footsteps :P

    1. Ohh indeed! Another couple of days, Reader is gone!
      I use both Google reader and the Readeing list - so im not that worried to shift to Feedly - I gave a try, it is alright!
      Hey they are not shutting down GFC, that is just a rumor... I again checked in a Googler's blog! GFC was never built to make money, so it was just a curating widget -- so they wont do this, not yet at least :)

    2. Cool :) Good to hear that !!

  3. Very helpful post... :) im going to try feedly...

    Keep in touch,

  4. I actually liked google reader.. And was thinking of an alternative after getting the news of it's shutdown.. It does seem annoying at first but if we think this is just like any other change on the net, people will definitely get used to it.. Just imagine about how often FB changes :D

    Will definitely check out Feedly.. Thanks soo much for the recommendation Pavithra :-)

    1. Oh me too, Nilu! Ohh, tell me about FB changes, haa - that is like day in day out!!
      Do check out Feedly, it comes close to GR. Thanks Nilu!

  5. we had the sam e feature in our newspaper here in kuwait few days back, and they too recommneded Feedly, as the shift was smooth. anyways, am not into thereader doesn;t affect me. am still with the blogger roll. and hey ! glad that u liked my post ;)

    1. Thanks Sona, yes - if you have not used Reader before or if you don't need Reader, then you don't need to move on to the new one!!
      Good for you!

  6. I was really upset after hearing that Google reader is going to shutdown. Thanks for helping me to find the alternatives dear. I have to try Feedly and see how it's going to work for me :)

    1. I know, Dhanish!
      The User Interface is very similar to I think the transition should be smooth!

  7. Surprised when Google pushed update to "Currents" for iOS this week. Killing Reader and working on Currents? Super weird Google!

    I have been using Reader since Dec'06, its time to say happy retirement for lovely product.

    1. Ohh I'm a fan of anything Google, but I would still recommend Feedly because it captures the essence of Google Reader to a great margin, especially the ease and look & feel.
      See, when Google takes down services/apps, they cannot do it in bulk, it is gonna be one by one -- Google 'current' can never be a replacement to Reader even with updates...Yes, their picture is sharp, with zooming functionality...etc - But the bottom line is , it is not Google Reader per se :)

      Also readers are umpteen in number, Facebook is coming up with one, so there is gonna be lots of choices and updates - But to me, it is gonna be Feedly!

      Indeed, Google Reader is a lovely product and I'm sure may would miss and unwilling to move on. But change is the only thing that doesn't gotta live with that.

    2. Yep, Currents can never be a RSS reader. Its a poor attempt to create Flipboard-like product from Google. Point I tried to make is; if Google wants to kill Reader as 'less-popular' service, why work on Currents?

      I have been using feedly (kinda fulltime) since Reader shutdown announcement. Still getting used to their Android app.. Its buggy.. Hope it gets better. I like the web app, its minimalist design. Thinking of trying "Press" android app with feedly as back end. Tried AOL Reader (beta), too basic right now.. but will watch out.

      btw nice post, Let's see what Facebook has to offer :)

    3. Ohh got the point now, I read too much into it!!
      My theory is that, Google will remove Currents eventually , but if they are seeing a surge in viewership, may be they will the idea is if an application is progressive only then they will update,....may be we are missing the point that only Google knows ...I means some statistics!!
      Looks like you tried more or less everything that is available...only Digg is left!!
      But yeah, FB may come with something new, letz wait and see...

  8. I was using Google reader,But still in love with blogger reading list,it helps me to find the updates of other blogs...Interesting post

    1. Yes Amy!!
      Blogger reading list is helpful, but Readers offer much more functionality - That is why when some one uses GR, it is tough for them to let go off

  9. thanx for the post...follow me on bloglovin and GFC i will follow u back

  10. very nice and informational post
    keep in touch

  11. That's a very informative post...I somehow wasn't a big fan of google reader,will sure try out Feedly !

  12. Very informative post Pavitra,Thx a ton..And I love your quote,its so true :) :)

    1. Thanks Harini!
      HaHa, that quote is universal truth, I guess :)

  13. Guess what! I have never used google reader but I notice that many are getting impacted. I will however check out Feedly for what it has to offer. That was a perfectly timed post. Many will benefit from this information! As I told you earlier, in subscribing to your blog, I have subscribed to world news:-)

    1. Ohh Sonali, you must try Feedly -- Look at nava's comment below - You can even comment from Feedly!! I should have been little elaborate on the functionality - But I did not get a chance to explore much due to time constraint..should do that hereafter..
      HaHa, I always get a boost reading your comment day or night :-)
      Thanks for keeping me sane ;-)!!

  14. Hi,

    Just thought of sharing with on Feedly which I have linked. Its great although you don't get to see the pictures but the updates are good. I use it now to follow my fav blogs. You should try because you can organize, categorize and comment on blogs which you are interested in. Thanks a millions and glad I linked in it. After all GR will gone soon.

    1. Hi Nava - Thanks for the update on Feedly. I tried it myself last week but never explored further coz of time constraint.
      Commenting on blog via Feedly is a new one, good to know..Thanks a lot, will try that out!!
      But Nava, I'm seeing the pictures of every blog update, I'm not sure why you are not seeing? I shared a screenshot with you directly on G+. Lemme know..

  15. nice info...I'm already using feedly. Bloglovin is a good alternative and very popular among US and European bloggers. Even Digg has come out with a new reader.

  16. I always use blogger reading list.. Thanks for the clarification that google reader is different from blogger list.. Thanks for providing alternative idea - feedly..

  17. I noticed this too and got scared by confusing it with blogging list because I prefer going through bloggers list instead of Google reader view.Pheeewww...not an issue for me :)
    following :)

  18. Pavithra your blog posts are sure savior.


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