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Simple Palak Dal (Spinach Dal Recipe)

Palak Dal is one of the simplest of recipes, at the same time very rich and healthy too. It works very well with both rice and roti. It is a welcome change to the mundane Dal Fry for sure. Not many add tomatoes to this Dal, but I did - because I like the mild sourness it brings to the Dal.
Simple Palak Dal
1)Toor Dal - 1/2 cup
2)Spinach - 1 bunch(chopped, I used the stem as well)
3)Green Chilli - 1(slit)
4)Small Onions or shallots - 4(chopped or slit or whole)
5)Tomato - 1(small, chopped)
6)Whole Red chilli - 2
7)Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
8)Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
9)Asafetida - 1 pinch
10)Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp
11)Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp(optional)
12)Coriander powder - 1/2 tsp
13)Oil - 1 tsp
14)Ghee - 1/2 tsp

1)Soak Toor Dal for 30 minutes in water.
2)In a pressure cooker, add soaked toor dal with enough water, turmeric powder, asafetida, salt, slit green chilli, shallots and tomatoes. Cook for 4 whistles.
3)Heat oil in a frying pan, add cumin, mustard seeds and whole red chilli - let it splutter.
4)Add chopped spinach, a little salt and cook until it is done.(About 4 to 5 minutes)
5)Now add the content from cooker into the pan and mix well. Let it cook for 2 minutes
6)Add red chilli powder, coriander powder and mix well. Let it cook for 3 minutes.

Add 1/2 tsp of ghee at the end and mix well.


  1. Palak dal looks delicious and healthy too.. Perfectly made and a yummy combo Pavithra :-)

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  3. My favorite curry . Looks yummy and healthy

  4. I too add tomatoes. In fact most of my dhal and other curries gets a sour tinge from tomatoes. I like the different style of how you prepared this curry, of course we want to taste other varieties of curries. This is perfectly flavored for our rice.

    1. Yep, tomato is one of the vegetables I cannot live without. Except for fries, I use it on anything and everything. Works well.
      Yep, great with rice, papad and pickle combo!!

  5. just perfect, nothing else for this dish. you know my secret way to eat dal. just mashed rotis in it and have it, its so good.

    1. Hey good to know Linsy, that is actually a very good idea!!


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