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Have we lost our brain power to technology?

How many times a day do we use some form of technology in life? Pretty much every minute: be it the usage of smart phones, laptops, tablets, phablets,...etc. We got so much used to it that sometimes we do not see the answer to a simple problem lying right in front of us. As much as I love technology and anything to do with it, I do believe in the fact that - "Technology made us all lazy, to an extent".
To get back to our humanness, we have to use only those entities which are necessary and let go off the rest. If that is not possible, then take a "technology break" once a month - see how beautiful the day turns out to be! I did one complete day, and I was so peaceful, Zen like!

If somebody asks me to tell them the current-local-time, although I wear my watch all the time, I go straight to my phone, it is not that I cannot read time, it is just that my phone displays it for me. What can I say? Laziness personified! I'm sure many of you would have come across this!

The other day, I was at my Granny's house and we were talking about Kal Yug, Current Affairs(Yeah, My granny has a brain of a computer) and stuffs - our talk led to a small calculation, that required me to do a math 'division' and a 'square root' - Any idea, what I did? I took my phone out, opened my calc app, typed down all the numbers and calculated the amount. Having observed me for couple of minutes meddling with my phone, my granny gives me this "Blahhhhh" look and tells me the calculated amount with no aid. I was like, "Holy Cow, do I have to go back to basics now?", HaHa!!
See, this is what technology has done to our brains! I'm gonna end this post with a mini story that I came across in a technology site.

The story: 
It was the 1960's and the USA (NASA) is having problems getting replacements for pens. Due to the conditions of being in space (no gravity, no pressure, no air), pens don’t work well there, which is a bad news for Astronauts, so they spent Millions in research to make an "anti-gravity" pen that works.
The Russians, when faced with the same problem, used a pencil.
How cool!

Take away: The best solution to any given problem may be tech-free, simple and may just come from pure guess/thought. Technology has always been around to solve problems, or to do the undoable, when all other methods fail, but let’s not get carried away and be so eager to throw in technology into every single solution.
Technology: Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. :)

Image courtesy: Google


  1. Hahaha... Nice pic.. :)

    Keep in touch

  2. Among all, I need my internet connection. The other day my connection was down and I almost went crazy. Somehow the internet connection on my smart phone doesn't seem as important as for my laptop. I am still quite conventional, my watch is a must everyday I go and at home, we have wall clocks in every corner. So I depend on technology but not for everything.

    1. Ohh tell me about sporadic internet connection towards the end of the billing cycle, makes me go crazy and then I will end up adding speed boosters for a price, haha - Life!!
      Oh yeah, we should depend on technology as much as needed! Thanks for the view Nava!

  3. I too love look at my watch for time, but internet become so much into my life, I say it is hard to ignore that, still I can live without though, if am in a village.

  4. Nice article.. My thought is If the pencil tip broke in space, it will float due to gravity and hurts.. It might be the reason behind using pen..

    1. What a thought Nithya!! Loved reading your view!
      I would have never thought of this pencil tip!! Kudos! May be that is why they are using Pen!

  5. I totally agree with u ! I guess it's we Indians who are more of gadget freaks...In germany I hardly see Germans using their mobiles on the road :)......I'm an addict too ,I can't think of a day without my tablet,and it has a bad influence mainly on kids daughter always wants to have a gadget to play some game on it,I tried giving it up for a day or two and I cud see her losing interest too :( I somehow feel that being able to acquire knowledge easily makes us not respect it....our parents and grandparents gained knowledge through books or experience,but we so easily look up everything in google,that the thinking part of our brain literally stops functioning :) And you know what ,i think looking at the mobile for time has an advantage,u never have to change the battery of ur watch :) I still have a lot of watches which don't work but look awesome,thanks to mobile phones I still get to wear them :=)

    1. Hey good to know Reni!
      Yep, kids do learn stuffs quickly from their parents, what they see is what they do!!
      Also yes, I cannot think of a day where I may have to lose internet connection, I hope that day is far off.
      Seriously, you have a good sense of humor and a positive attitude towards anythign Reni! HaHa - I totally agree on not changing the battery of watch, HaHa!! Thx to all the smart phones in the world!

  6. Great post Pavithra... Yes technology has definitely made life easier for us but made us more lazy too.. There are many kids I've seen who seek comfort in playing with video games rather than go outside and play. And yes, even I look at my mobile instead of watch each time someone asks for time. There were times when we used to search answers to our queries in form of books from the library but nowadays you have Google :D

    1. Thanks Nilu!
      Well said - The first line!!
      You know as time changes, we are running along I guess!!
      But if I think about my Granny's incident, I dunno whether to be happy or sad, HaHa!! It is like so-so.

  7. interesting post...Even I don't wear a watch from a long time :)

  8. Hmm.. What to say?? I think it's a shame right?? Man invented tech & gadgets to make his life more easier but we have definitely become lazier.. No doubt about it..

    The most sad thing is to see small kids addicted to tablets & phones.. On one hand, it's a gud thing to see them learn everything for themselves at an early age.. U don't have to teach them anything, they will explore and find for themselves, sometimes even the nook & corner elders miss out.. But they become more stubborn & start crying & yelling & making fuss as though they have the biggest problem on earth, when they are not handed these gadgets.. Some (most) parents think of it as a status symbol.. The consequences?? Kids do not enjoy the pleasure of reading books or playing out in the sun with fellow mates & learn qualities like team play, tolerance & compromise !! Already we elders have become spoilt with these techs, atleast y not spare these kids?? But how can u ask them when u urselves r addicted right??

    But on the other hand, we have quite a lot of advantages as well.. U can sit at ur home & book travel tickets, movie tickets, do hotel bookings, pay ur bills & therby reduce the traffic & also to a great extent corruption.. All these transactions are digitised & therby has a record & more important no middle men involved :)

    I can go on rambling abt this, but I think I shud stop now.. It's all in ur hands, U make it or break it.. Treat tech like u have made it & not vice versa & ur life wil b much easier & better !!

    1. Oh yes, Man invented technology and now technology seems to rule us!Hmm...
      Chitz I like your balanced analysis on both the positive and negative traits... yes kids are getting spoiled mostly bcoz adults are not able to get rid of their technology addiction, at the same time with technology in picture, so much of our manual efforts are being saved by a click of a button! - A very good point, indeed!
      Yes, uses it when required and give it a rest when not required!

  9. Yes Pavithra, Shame on us.  We rely too much on technology in almost everything. You know what , my toddler is always with iPad and whenever I take away from her, she'll start to cry. I have given her color crayons to draw. But instead she uses iPad to draw. I know technology made life Easy but made human Lazy.. Ha-ha.

    1. HaHa, I know kids are ipad and iphone crazy now-a-days!!
      I loved your example of crayons, that is absolutely true!!
      Thanks for your views Dhanish!

  10. On the contrary Pavithra, I am the opposite. It is actually funny! When there are some weights to be calculated (eg ounces to grams)which is common in pastry recipes, instead of looking up quickly on the phone, I will sit and manually calculate them. My husband has downloaded every possible app on my phone to make life easier and hoping (lol) that I will start looking at them but I will always use the conventional methods. That is, I think pretty unacceptable in the current scenario where technology is ruling the roost but I am lazy the other way round:-)I think its about balance, like everything else in life.

    1. Aha, Sonali - you must have so much patience to sit and calculate without any aid. You know, in a way it is cool to go tech free sometimes!! Conventional it is!
      Also yes, it is all about the balance! Thanks for all the lovely comments and views, Sonali!


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