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A mini story and a lesson for life!

This is one of my favorite short stories. I got this story as a forwarded mail long back. There are only 2 lines in the story but the take away is worth spending couple of minutes. Not everyday we come across intense yet thought provoking stories(whoever that wrote the story, kudos to you boss!).
The Story:
A grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he felt. He said, "I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, angry, violent one. The other wolf is the loving, compassionate one." The grandson asked him, "Which wolf will win the fight in your heart?" The grandfather answered: "The one I feed."

My Analogy:
What a powerful reply from the Grandfather! Isn't it? This is a very important scenario, mainly because it states no matter what the circumstance is - it is always "we" who decide as to which path to follow, which decision to take, which mountain to climb! Have you ever acted in ways that were unacceptable to yourself but felt powerless to control it? I'm sure you do. Sometimes it is very easy to control the outcome with our decisions just because the circumstance is trivial and some other time the circumstance could lead you to a 'catch 22' situation, hence the decision making becomes complicated. And this is where we end up taking the wrong route.

I'm not going to lecture as to how to take better decisions!! All I'm saying is - right from childhood, it is our responsibility to instill the thought process that there are many things in life that are beyond our ability to control, so sometimes we make mistakes and some other time we reap benefits because of making a better decision. Why do I keep stressing this point?....Keep reading, I got 2 incidents listed out, which can be related to the 'answer' of the mini story(above)!

1)Board Examination results:
Whenever a class 10th or 12th board examination result gets published, the next day we read news about students committing suicide because of scoring less marks. That somebody who committed suicide is nobody to us, but don't you guys feel - "that somebody" could have been one of our near and dear ones!
All we have to do is prepare them(kids) right from their childhood to face the world, teach them that the world is not gonna receive them with open arms and a candy bar, there is gonna be problems, setbacks but there is always a way out, may be the exit is a long and an exhaustive one, but there is definitely one! Instill the faith in them. Make them strong enough to take their own decisions, instead of towering over the shoulder all the time and trying to keep them under control. Give them the power to make decision and be there to bring them to the right track, when they derail.

2)Actress Jiah Khan's suicide:
When I read about Actress Jiah Khan's suicide - (Reason: because of having trouble in the relationship with her boyfriend), this is the thought came to my mind - Why did her parents or friends never sensed that there is a problem and try to help her out? Was she too good in acting that she endured pain inside and showed a gleeful face outside? Whatever the reason could be, committing suicide is not an option. Abusive boyfriend? Yeah! Get rid off him from your life, why take your own life and in turn make life hell for your near and dear ones?
Actor Shah Rukh Khan gave a sensible response to Jiah Khan's suicide, he said "Respect life more than love!" - This is again a very powerful yet simply put life quote. Do I even have to explain further? Nah!

So the take away is - The more we take effort to try to manage our negative thoughts, dilemmas and indecisiveness, the more merrier we become and appreciate whatever we got!

Image courtesy: Google


  1. True to the core !! There are two things which are not (& should not be) in our hands - our birth & our death.. The rest that happens in between can be controlled by us (to a great extent ) by our action & deeds. Plan well, face problems, learn from mistakes & move on.. After all, that's what life is all about.. Live life like you have got only one & you will never feel like taking it ;)

    1. Hats off to you chitz, for nailing that first line! WOW!! very true and appreciate your view! I think people can just read you line and can skip the entire post, you said the truth in just 4 lines. Seriously, I missed you yaar, welcome back with a bang!!
      Thanks for the awesome perspective. Love it.

    2. Stop breathing LIFE into the past. It died for a reason. Let go and move on....
      Cry a river, then build a bridge and get over it.......

      Something my friend posted in FB.. SO concise & true right?? Thought of this post when I read it, so posting it here :)

    3. HaaHaa, gimme more!! :)
      The line is very true and yes we should let go off the past!! Thx to your FB friend...I'm gonna use this line in G+!!
      Thanks for remembering the post and posting the awesome one liner! I love lines and quotes they just make our day!

  2. I felt really sad for her foolish decision of Jiah Khan, as you said why we have to give pain to our dear ones for no reason. Life is a gift from God. As long as you follow the right path you won't regret for anything and nothing will go wrong. :)

  3. firstly..a very thoughful reply by the grandpa ! and secondly...very much agree to Chits' comment above. just go thru excatly the two faces when at time's my kids make me mad..and me personally is going through "that time of the month " (well..thats how my husband puts it ;) )and i am all crap and wiery and all blame goes on the hormones. u have read a post on this on my pick quick blog, yeah..?

    1. Oh yes Sona, chitz just nailed it! I don't think the post is required anymore, people can read her reply and get the essence of the entire post in just 4 lines of hers!
      Ohh those hormones, tell me about it .... no respite for us females :-)!!
      Yes yes, I have read your post!!

  4. Agreed that we make the decisions in life, sometimes may not be the right one but end of the day, its the lesson we have learned. Its easy to blame other but the blaming game will not get us anywhere because we have to solve our own issues.

    People who kill themselves have just given up on their lives, many reasons and factors. I shall not get into the details but basically they don't appreciate what they have, they don't love themselves and they can't decide what they want out of life. Its tricky to ask and find out why parents are not there for their kids. I am a parent myself and should I be blamed for my kids actions and decisions. Many claim they are friends with their kids but wonder to what extend. Definitely its a catch 22 situation, as said in ethics term "Damned if you do and damned if you don't".

    1. Hey Nava, thanks for the unique and practical perspective on the post! Being a Mother, I think your perspective nails the fact that "One cannot keep tab on every move of their kids", because we want to empower them, so it is obvious to let them be the best they can. So blaming parents for kids act may not be the right way, and I agree with your view. My point about Jiah is that, it was not a worthy reason to commit suicide and again my point on the students committing suicide is that, marks should never be the deciding factor, it is silly. I have seen parents scolding, beating and blackmailing kids to get better score especially in southern parts of India, that actually pushes them into taking such decisions in life, that is where parents screw up! Since I have seen all those, I penned that down!
      Ohh also loved your last line - which is very apt for your perspective. I always get a realistic perspective reading your comment, Nava! Thanks!

  5. Lovely write-up Pavithra.. Very true.. Life is not meaqnt to be destroyed but lived.. It would be good if people learn to be strong, face their issues to find solutions rather than ending up their lives for nothing. And yes on the other hand I also believe that family and friends play a strong roles here, to lend support, affection and care so that their mind do not wander over unnecessary issues.. Hats of Pavithra for raising this topic dear :-)

    1. Thanks Nilu!
      I totally agree with your views! Also yes, parents and friends should take good interest in those few who are emotional fools!!

  6. this is one of the best posts i have ever read two simple lines but how deep and intense their meaning is......

    had goose flesh while reading it..
    thanks for sharing.
    keep in touch
    much love,

  7. Loved reading your post and the various opinions of others but you know what i like the most. Shahrukh Khan's statement! Life is precious. And even though it may not appear on the surface, every damn person is fighting an internal battle, big or small. Expectations, pressures, competition, commitments and so on. But we all have a different way of looking at things. For some a breakup can be the end of the world. But I know a few people who think its a great opportunity to move on and find solace with someone else:-) On a serious note, its really about perspective!
    And you are right, it also depends to an extent on upbringing and the kind of company the individual is in. We can't keep a tab on our kids but we can always nurture the confidence in them that they can open up to us in distressing times and teach them to respect themselves.

    1. Oh spot on! The highlight is Shahrukh Khan - the man himself!! He nailed it, with a simple line!
      Also yes, there is always 2 sides to a coin, so some may feel the way out is easier, some can move on to the next, completely a perspective! Agreed!
      Also yes, instilling the confidence is the only thing parents can do to their kids to face the big bad world!
      Thanks for your awesome perspective, Sonali!

  8. Wonderfully said Pavithra.. Loved that story, reading it for the first time.. As always u never miss to share your bold views and thoughts.. Yes as u said the world is never gonna welcome anyone all the time with roses and warmness.. Why lose a precious life just for a the sake of a petty issue, is always my query to those who commit suicide, you may not need yourself, your parents or your loved ones will need you for sure. There are sometimes when we worry so badly about an incident, but later after years we might laugh over it, so just ignoring the bad moment / frustration is the best option I think, and for the pestering society (the cause for most trouble) I will say live and let live..


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