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Sports - Why is it so important for kids?

The other day, I was talking to my cousin sister, she asked me - what other sport(other than Cricket) can her 8 year old son be a part of, either by playing or watching. I suggested, Formula One Racing. She asked me to teach her kiddo the basic nuances of the race, so that he can pick it up and start watching the race. I gladly agreed. The main reason she wants her son to learn some form of sport is that, she can stop him from spending umpteen number of hours watching cartoon(Chota Bheem - Seriously, why kids are crazy about this, right?) or playing video games or meddling with laptop or phone.
Why sports is not ONE OF THE best, but THE best way to a kid's well being? Read further:
1) Discipline and Physical Fitness:
Current generation of kids are fighting the pandemic called obesity. Blame their sedentary life style(Blame Chota Bheem, :-)). To be honest with you, this is reason enough to consider enrolling them in sports. Anything that is being taught, will start with the basics and the first word any kid learns from any sport is "discipline". Do you guys think, it is easy to make them sit at home & teach discipline? Nah! It is not possible.
Sports promote an active lifestyle and help children achieve and maintain a healthy body weight & image. They will very well be aware of what to eat and what not to, in couple of years of practice. Physically fit children are less likely to fall sick. Regular exercise reduces the feeling of stress, anxiety, mood swings in kids.

2) Social Skills:
Kids learn to interact not only with their peer group, but also with senior players, coaches, physical trainers and sports officials. They learn coordination and cooperation, leadership skills and communication skills that will help them in school, career and also in personal life.
A dedicated and skilled coach can have an amazing impact on children. In fact, kids respond better to an inspiring coach, than to their own parent.

3) Goal Orientation:
Sports teaches the importance of setting goals and working towards achieving them by individual contribution or by a team effort. The art of taking one step at a time towards achieving the ultimate goal, will be taught and experienced perfectly in sports. Even though, one may fail several times, the same is re-taught and re-experienced until they reach the highest goal.

4) Positive Image & Attitude:
Kids involved in sports exhibit higher self esteem and self confidence than the kids who are glued to cartoon network 24/7. As they grow further, you can very well sense that they have a better body image, being fit and energetic. Research from the many Institutes across America, points that children who participates in sports are less likely to smoke, do drugs or overuse alcohol.

5) The 5 “Ps” - (practice, patience, perseverance, pragmatism and positivity):
I'm sure everybody would have heard of 3 Ps of life, but here I got 5 Ps for sports.
Every kid who participates in some form of sports would definitely learn and follow the 5 Ps without fail.
  • Practice: Practice teaches them the quality of "you don't get glory without earning it" and pushes them to perfection.
  • Patience: Patience is what is required to sail through several successes and umpteen number of failures in sports. It will make them tough.
  • Perseverance: Perseverance is what is required to get back and do it all over again, when you fail. Who better can teach this concept than sports?
  • Pragmatism: Being practical is very important in sports - your goals should be practical, logical and achievable - You cannot run a Marathon with a day's practice, it requires you body, mind and soul to work in sync to achieve the common goal.
  • Positivity: Even when we are 9 wickets down and with 1 ball remaining and a 6 runs to score - the batsman should have the positive attitude & guts to pull a 6 run off the field and that quality is patented to Sports.
6) Ego under control:
One of the most destructive words in English, that is known to have ruined relationships and friendships, is "EGO". I have seen families breaking down to shambles because of ego problem. Trust me, sportsperson cannot afford to build ego and the first thing a good coach does, when he senses a smoke of ego in a sportsperson is to stamp down that one fatal quality from its root. One can utilize this quality of keeping ego under check, in both professional and personal life.

Is this not reason enough to push your kids to get involved in Sports? Think about it!

The are excellent movies in Hollywood, that would motivate not just kids but anybody to take up sports. When you get a chance - do watch these movies!
  • The Karate Kid 
  • Remember the Titans (Adult supervision required)
  • Goal! The Dream Begins (Adult supervision required
  • Million Dollar Baby (Adult supervision required)
  • Bend it Like Beckham (Adult supervision required)
Image Courtesy: Google


  1. Yes, support the notions on why sports can or must be part of the growing up years. I still remember my younger days. We couldn't afford any equipments. Well, it was "catching" all the way.

    These days I see even a two year old with an Ipad and staring alone into it. I also noticed that trying to have conversations with kids are pointless. They are so engrossed with the electronics gadgets or toys and they don't like you asking them questions. They can be rude and raise their voice, therefore I just ignore kids these days at functions or anywhere.

    1. Thanks and you are spot on, Nava! Lovely view!
      Nowadays kids are into ipad, ipod ,iphones and what not? - It takes a lot of parental effort to get them out of the house. With the cartoon character "chota bheem" they go crazy nuts, HeHe.
      There used to be a time, kids never come home(they played all the time outdoors) and now kids never wanna leave their couch!
      Sport teaches children a lot of good stuffs and instills a lot of faith in themselves.

  2. I whole-heartedly agree Pavithra. Sports is very important and not only for kids, but for adults as well.. It improves our quickness, stamina, and overall strength.. I always make my son (7 yrs) play outdoor after schools. Even if he has exams the next day or overloaded with homework sometimes. Some friends think it is a wastage of time.. But I feel that it’s a great stress buster and sure keeps you fit and healthy.. And a fresh mind makes you do things a lot better than you can do otherwise.. Loved the 5 P's.. I actually made my son sit and read this article with me now.. Thanks a lot for sharing this dear :-)

    1. Thanks Nilu! That is really sweet of you to make your son read this article, I'm elated and jumping, HUGE HUGHS to you!!!
      Sports is a defining factor in any kids life. It teaches them very valuable lessons, especially the ones in team sports should be selfless. They should look at the team's overall well being than the individual achievements. Who better can teach them team work than sports!!
      Thanks for your encouraging words, Nilu!

  3. Yes i think we should engage our children in sports. I have seen my SIL kids are engaged with their studies whole day. One is 8 and other is 9. They both leave home @ 7 and come back 5. Its like they working in a office. :(. i feel pity on them that they don't have time to spend on sports. I always tell her to send them out for play or make them participate in any school indoor activities.
    Sports are really important for growing up children to keep them physically fit & energetic.

    1. Thanks Dhanish!
      You are absolutely right in trying to encourage your SIL's kids to take up sports.
      Yes, it could even be indoor sports like a chess or a board game - it is still engaging the brain if not physical.
      I think this is where we should look at countries like America, UK and China as example - where sports is a major part of every individual's life. Even in prestigious Universities, they definitely look for achievements other than academics like sports, extra curricular or social work. Nice view!

  4. bheem bheem bheem..chotta bheem..chotta bheem ! at times i wake up and hear myself singing in mind this sily song. God! its gone soo into it, literally listening to it 24X7. nice post by the way...Pavithra.

  5. Glad that you've suggested F1 as a sport. Super happy! Get the kids to a go karting track, that's the best way to let them experience a sport!

    1. Well, I wanted to suggest Badminton too, but every Tom, Dick and Harry plays Badminton & hence suggested F1.
      As suggested by F1 Guru himself :), will take him to go karting track someday! Thanks Kunal.

  6. You are right, Sports are always good to kids, as it make them focused, healthy. I will let my kids to do sports and study at same time. Thanks for birthday wishes to my daughter, She had a great day.

    1. Thanks Swathi! You are absolutely right, sports make kids focused and healthy.
      Good to know that your princess had a wonderful day on her B-day.

  7. I agree with u 100%. Since I hv two kids I know value of outdoor activities. No video games r allowed in our house..

  8. Very well written,Sports should be treated on par with academics....What is this chota bheem btw? I'm sorry if is sounds like a foolish question,but i really don't know :)Hubby & I are very sportive ppl,but my daughter prefers to sit at a place and paint or do puzzles,or cartoons...Hope the interest in sports kicks in as she grows :)

    1. Thanks Reni!
      Chota Bheem is a cartoon character in cartoon network. Kids go crazy over this day in day out. Even movies are made with this character.

  9. I couldn't agree more with you Pavithra. The benefits of Sports in any form is immense. Thankfully, where I live it is a way of life for not only children but adults too. People are extremely conscious about health and discipline. It is an essential part of our routine too..we make sure the kids have a good workout for a few more reasons apart from the ones you mentioned be it swimming or footy (football) as they call it. I am not against watching television as long as it is a part of the routine and in moderation. I guess its all about balance!

    1. Thanks for your views Sonali! As always, you are spot on.
      The last line of yours sum it all! -"Its all about the balance".
      Moderation is the key to a better life style which is healthy and active!
      I think not just kids, adults too should take that as the mantra!

  10. I agree. Nothing, and I repeat, nothing gives more confidence and focus to a kid than sports. Great write up!


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