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Iron Man 3 and a very obvious question!

After watching the movie "The Avengers"(where more or less all the interesting super heroes joined hands to save the world), I had little hope on Iron Man 3 - after all there is only one super hero in this movie. Man, can I be any further from the truth?
But I must admit - I have always liked this uber cool, cocky, playboy, industrialist and an amazing engineer, Mr Tony Stark(dubbed Iron Man). I dunno, there is something so good about this guy, he is not the typical macho man, nor he has this chocolate boy kinda face - but I guess the charm of this character comes from the innate intelligence he possesses and flaunts them with elan. I'm only pitching in my take on why you should watch this incredible movie.(Spoiler alert!)
1)For starters, the movie is made with a budget of whopping 200 million dollars.

2)Director: If you had watched Iron Man 1 & 2, you can predict the directional style of Jon Favreau, but this time around, the new director Shane Black took the coveted position as director and hence the overwhelming expectation on the movie as to will-he-or-will-he-not make the cut!

3)I love this movie series for its IQ - which is 99% of the movie and usually they throw in an EQ of 1%, you know they say - just in case :-) But in this movie, the ratio is changed, but not stuffed.
The IQ quotient is still 99%, but the EQ quotient adds an extra 15%. And hence this is a perfect movie. Had they reduced the IQ quotient, this movie cannot satisfy the technicality hungry fans, but they made sure they add that extra 15% emotional quotient to get more audience, what can I say "Master Stroke".

4)The twist: Ben Kingsley(as Mandarin) is supposed to be the bad & deadly guy in the movie, it turns out otherwise, convincingly so! Love that part. Who could have guessed that?

5)The bespectacled, limping Guy Pearce's(as Aldrich) transformation into a 6 pack and uber intelligent guy is a revelation. Ultimately it proves the point, "Bad guys are made outta situation, they are not born bad".

6)Air Force One rescue operation: Seriously, go buy a ticket only to watch this incredible scene, where our Iron Man saves the lives of 14 people in a stunning free-fall rescue from the aircraft - The incredible effort made to get this scene right, is a technical marvel - kudos to the actors, helpers, graphics and visual effects team!! All 14 of them were tied to invisible ropes to make this scene come alive. Is it possible in real life? Nope - But that is why we need technology to make believe and oh boy, did they nail it? Indeed. Look at how they shot the scene in this snap, thrilling!
7)The kid Ty Simpkins(Harley): Well, the kinship between Iron Man and the kid Harley is portrayed in a very subtle, yet funny way. Especially in the scene, where Harley tells Iron man that his Father left him. Look at the dialogue from our Iron Man to the kid,
Iron man: “Dads leave. Don’t be a pussy about it”!!
HaHa, Love this guy!

Had it been our Indian directors, they would have done the following 2 things for sure - One, an emotional song in the back ground sung by Sonu Nigam and in the next scene, Iron man would go down on his knees and carries the kid on his shoulder and comforts him with a lollipop in his hand, that things will be alright, beta!
Thank god, this movie was not made by EQ packed Indian directors! Peace prevail!

8)The Captain America color on the body armor of Don Cheadle(Rhodey), because it was sponsored by US government, what can I say? Classic. He is so funny all throughout the movie - watch out for him!

9)Javris: The technical marvel always lies in the brain power of the overworking, sleep-deprived Tony Stark(Iron Man), his creation of umpteen number of mini Iron Mans(or body suits) as a military unit controlled by the omnipotent robotic machine himself, "Javris" is an incredible one and that makes it for a spectacular action sequence at the climax of the movie.

10)As always, a movie should have one damsel-in-distress and Gwyneth Paltrow(Pepper) is reprising her role once again, no big deal of a role, but she gets to save Iron Man at the end of the movie with couple of straight punches thrown at the bad guy! Phew!

1)I praised the visual effects of several other scenes, but whenever the invention called "Extremis" is subjected to any human, the body kinda burns from inside out - Those scenes are not at all believable, I dunno - how could one miss that, the burning scene kinda looks very cheesy, like it was brought straight outta the shelf of "Lajjpat Market in Delhi" or "Commercial Street in Bangalore" - Not quite satisfied with the visuals(mind you! only those Extremis scenes) of a 200 million dollar budgeted movie.
Anyways, this one point can be ignored!!

The obvious question:
Mandarin, as portrayed in the movie is just the face of a terror unit, but he is not the brain or muscle behind the terrorist activities. Although, he is shown as the one who is doing this terror strikes all over the world, he is actually a dumb actor, he is paid to be the face of the terror unit, basically a puppet - while the real bad guy i.e. Aldrich makes plan to attack further from behind the scenes. The whole world searches for the puppet Mandarin, while the actual terror guy sits somewhere else and plans his next move. We can draw a parallel to "Osama Bin Laden" - don't you guys think so?
May be, Osama could just be the face of the terror unit, but the actual brain and muscle might have been somebody else? I shudder the very thought of this!! Holy cow.

Verdict: Go watch it, only in theaters! - This is the kinda movie you should spend you money on and come outta theater with a feel that, this movie is worth more than what you payed for.


  1. I have watched Iron Man 1 & 2 although movies with such plots does not really interest me. But I am must that it was a good entertainment. I also read from another one of blogger friend's review on the 3rd Iron Man. She too had praises and I read through some of pointers on why the movies is worth watching. I think I will wait for the CD, sit back and watch at the comfort of my home with my other half. He will a die fan fan of such movies.

    I couldn't help laughing when your compared the Indian directors and what they would have done. That was catchy and a knot the point.

    1. Seriously Nava, Indian directors are maniacs sometimes, to shove the emotional quotient onto the viewers, especially the small screen mega serials - I never understand why such emotional hullabaloo required?
      Anyways, Iron Man is worth a watch - be it on CD or theater.
      It is such a marvel to see that guy Tony belt everything right!
      You know, Sharukh Khan tried once to be something of Iron Man, in a movie named "Ra One" - It was stupidity personified - seriously, Indian directors should never try this kinda movie, it is never their cup of tea.

  2. I'm not generally a big fan of the super hero type movies but I like the Iron Man series better then most of them. Iron Man 1 was a great entertainment but on the other hand I felt Iron Man 2 was still fun but not so memorable. Now that the third Iron Man is finally out, I must confess that I've been waiting for this movie for a very long time. I love Robert Downey Jr, as Tony Stark and can't wait to see the scene where you mentioned that he saves the life of 14 people in a free fall rescue. That must be incredible. My son is very much excited too. Loved the part where you described how the Indian director would have done with the plot. Especially the Sonu Nigam song "Sandese aate hain" is playing in my ears and cant stop laughing thinking about the scenario Pavithra :-)

    1. Thanks Nilu!! Indeed, this 3rd sequel is a marvel!! Tony has belted his character with panache, you know like he usually nails.
      I agree to the fact that the second one, was not upto the craze level that fans had created and expected - but it was still worth a watch.
      But this one, do not miss it for the world. I'm very sure your kid would enjoy this movie!!
      Yeah, about the Indian directors - I always put them in Hollywood director's shoes and have fun realizing that they cannot really stand the competition, haha - Yeah btb, "Sandese aate hain" song would be a perfect cracker in the situation explained above!! Awesome Nilu!

    2. Hey Pavithra.. Saw Iron Man 3 yesterday.. Surely an entertaining film.. We enjoyed it.. Definitely a must watch.. HUGS!!

    3. Haa, Awesome Nilu! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
      Hugs to you too dear!!

  3. Hey great review ! I have to tell u this, i haven't read the whole post as I'm yet to watch the movie and din't want to miss out on the suspense :)But I'm so glad that i've met one more person(girl actually) who loves iron man :) I love these kinds of movies iron men,x men,real u said the technical brilliance is awesome..I'm a micro-electronics Engineer (though happily jobless now:)) and seeing these the movie gets me so excited....And no one could portray Tony stark better than Robert Downey Jr,loved him in Sherlock Holmes too:)Wonder when I'll get to watch the movie,watching it with a 2.5 year old in the theaters is ruled will wait for the DVD :) Our Indian directors are really in a sorry state,even if they try to make a very good movie i'm sure the audience won't appreciate it....our people are happy with still running around a tree with a heroine and jumping across tall buildings without any technical help :)

    1. Thanks Reni. I know I gave away the suspense thinking that people would have seen and it is been more than a week, HeHe - Do watch Reni, it is such an incredible movie!!
      Indeed, I have also seen many girls not liking such super hero stuffs, but yeah - I'm very very glad you like it!! In the same boat :-)
      Good to know that you are micro electronics engineer. Ohh yeah - I loved Robert in Sherlock Holmes too - Awesome he is!

      HeHe, I was laughing when I read your line - "Our people are still happy running around trees" - HaHa, true when the world is going Hi tech, we are still trying to have Item Numbers and producing good for nothing movies in India(well not all, but most of them)
      I share the same feel as you on this!!


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