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Are all advertisements mundane?

After an IT Industry bashing session with a dear friend, we changed the topic to ads. She asked me, if I had seen the latest "Idea cellular" ad - but, I had no clue. When I was heading back to my apartment, I youtubed to see, what the ad is all about. And trust me, it is an interesting commercial. Take a look.
Every time we encounter ads in between a match or a movie or a TV show, all we do is frown, but why?
Because advertisements are mundane, boring and not cool. Not to forget, ads are the primary source of revenue for any program that is being aired in TV. So the broadcasters are never gonna spare us from telecasting ads in between our favorite shows. Hence, the obvious question which comes to anybody's mind is - Why are they not making ads that are cooler or at least watchable?
Well, there are quite a few good ones available. But yes - not many, just a handful.

So here, I'm trying to dissect the perception, what works and what doesn't in advertisement.
No instant results:
The challenge in creating a killer ad is that, one has to make it appealing to the audience, in 1 to 2 minutes of time. Ads should have creativity, credibility, entertainment and a story. Out of the 4 listed items, story is the most important one.
Advertisements are not going to bring in immediate customers. Nobody is going to get outta their couch, to buy a "Scooty Pep" just because "Priyanka Chopra" rides one in their brand advertisement. Ads can never give immediate results. Ads may create expectations and interests but the results can only be measured eventually.

Brand should speak for itself:
One should never make advertisement based on the brand, instead the story that is being pitched in should sell the brand without asking the audience to go buy the brand. Successful advertisement seldom succeeds through argument or calls to action. Instead, it should create positive vibes and feelings that influences our behavior over time to encourage us to buy something in near future. No one likes to think that they are easily influenced. Hence, the best advertisements are ingenious enough to leave a lasting impression, at the same time they are ethical. Overselling a product is never fruitful.

Creating Brand Equity:
The most powerful tool to sell or market any product is advertisement.
Coke has spent millions in advertising over so many years to fortify the brand equity. Say, if they stop advertising in near future and I'm sure, at least for another decade - people would still continue to purchase their product.  Imagine, how profitable would that make the company to sell a "carbonated sugar water" that costs nothing to produce, for next decade with no marketing/advertising expenses.

Also from the awareness perspective, you may find people who do not know our Prime Minister's name, but I don't think there is anybody who doesn't know Coke! And that is brand equity!

Target Audience & knowing when to do what:
Advertisers should understand the relevancy of telecasting a particular ad at a particular time. Why is timing so important?
When Indian Idol show is going on, it makes sense to advertise Sony or JBL headphones, but at the same time - it may not be a good idea to advertise "Servo Engine Oil". You know they say, "Doing the right thing at the right time".
So the final question: Does advertising influence user's choice?
You may not think advertisement influences you. But marketeers do. Well, years & years of accumulated quantitative data proves that, advertising does influence user's choice not immediately but gradually.

Image & video Courtesy: Google and youtube


  1. Ok, I watch the video but due to the language, I had to get the message from the body languages. I gather that end of the day, we come back home after a rushing morning and stressful day but the in between calls make a difference.

    Well, it happens between my other half and myself. End of the day even after I am 100% sleeping, he will wake me up and share what his day was.

    Now as for advs influencing user's, maybe to a certain extend but for me word of mouth is the catch. I tend to check, ask and find out from my friends before purchasing any products. Of course, after that, its my sold decision but am not really sure if it was because of the advs.

    1. Aha, I should have added a subtitle, missed that out. Will do that from now on, for sure.
      Explanation of this ad:

      Husband and wife are having tough time managing their morning chores, and they are fighting with each other stating that the other is not of any help. While their son, tries to fix this fight, by exchanging their respective phones(lookalike mobiles), so that dad could pick up mom's calls and understands what she is up to and what all work that is pending with her still at home/work and the same with the husband. So at the end of the day, both the people are realizing that their significant other is also completely tied up and under pressure. So they come back home and puts a full stop to their fight.
      Well, finally their son praises Idea Cellular exchange(that he did) for the hook up and the happy ending.

      Haa, so this is the story, hope it makes sense now, Nava!
      But it is very sweet of you to try to understand, although u do not know the language, appreciate it!!

  2. Yes as Nava said i too couldn't understand the language. But i played thrice to know what could it be the message. Then only saw your translation below. hehe..
    Well in my view yes it does sometimes specially with children related ads. Kids are prone to get influenced by ads easily. Good topic that you have come up today.

    1. Oh, I'm so sorry Dhanish! I forgot to add a subtitle for the ones who cannot understand Hindi. And hence I explained the ad in Nava's comment above. It is very sweet of you to have gone through the above comment and understood the ad, appreciate it!!
      And thanks for your views!

  3. Advertisements can be good sometimes as it gives us a glimpse of what is the new trend. But it should be more real, so as not to give the audience a false sense of realism that can be harmful.It seems to be the only way to manipulate people in to buying things nowadays. I am partially influenced by advertising too because sometimes it makes me want to go out and buy the product being advertised. Thanks for highlighting this important issue Pavithra :-)

    1. Spot on Nilu!! Yes, ads should be real and ethical, and not following the fake realism which are quite prevalent! The ultimate aim should not be selling the product, but to advertise what their product is capable of, and let the user decide for themselves.
      Thanks for your view Nilu!

  4. Love your choice of topics Pavithra! Commercials do have a way of influencing viewers, like you mentioned.. gradually. No wonder the number of times they play you almost know them by heart. Which means subconsciously they are stuck somewhere in your memory. After watching an ad you may never run to the supermarket. But when you are for example, grocery shopping in a store where there are at least 10 different brands of a commodity, familiarity counts. You will instantly relate to the visuals that you have seen. I think today ads are more family oriented, involving real life situations..babies..schools and those are the ones that sell. Marketing is all about playing around emotions!

    1. Thanks Sonali!
      True, we all know it by heart(at least some of them) may be because they are too good or just because they are very attractive. I like your practical view as to "when you are around supermarket, may be if you see the advertised product being sold - you may take a glimpse and may be you will buy" - yes, the familiarity is what is the outcome of a good add - you are absolutely correct.
      aha, love the last line!! Couldn't agree more :-)

  5. This is the first time I'm watching this ad and I actually liked it a lot:)I think advertisements do have a huge impact.They let you know what product is in the market and when you see it at the supermarket you do wish to try it out.The quality later determines whether you go back for it,but it does help with the first step.I can understand your frustration on seeing ads in between matches and all tat,but I really miss them :) We don't have any Indian TV connection here,as both of us are not great TV fans,we catch up on movies and sport on the internet which usually have all the ads removed.So there are days when I wish some ads would come up and I get all nostalgic when I go home and watch the ads in between :)

    1. Glad you liked it, Reni! Love your point - "Ads may help the first time, but to have a repetitive customer, the product got to be good and should serve the purpose" - very true.
      But I can understand your point as to why you miss Indian ads, I know sometimes it is nostalgic and we may even remember our childhood - we were all crazy about ads. I remember those days(toddler days), where the colorful ads just brings that smile and the same now turns into a frown, how ironic right?
      Now that I know you are missing a lot of Indian ads, I will share some interesting ads via G+.

  6. Agree with your thoughts...indeed advertising creates a brand re-call value. Whenever you spot different new products in a shopping mall, the brands which you have seen in ads will easily draw attention and you would be more inclined to buy than the one you haven't heard of. One more interesting stereotypes in Indian ads, if you have noticed is some Indian brands use foreign models and locales to give a kind of international feel to it, which many consumers may mistake it for a foreign brand, but is rather an indigenous product, which may brands covertly use it.

    1. Thanks Kalyan! Yep that is the word - "Brand re-call value"! I was looking for that word when I was penning down the post, thx!!
      Indeed, the familiar products are the ones which we would love to buy, because of the comfort factor our subconscious mind puts us in.
      Oh yeah - I always wonder about those advertisements which shows international bog shots instead of the locals, that too when they sell a home grown product which is not even available outside our Country, very ironic - but it sells, you see ;-)

  7. I've been admiring this ad a lot Pavithra, but if this happens in real life it might be a plus for some (as in the ad) and a real trouble for many :P But apart from jokes, yes ads connect users and the product, it helps know the product better in just a minute or 2. And I would say it is the most easy way to reach numerous people in just seconds!! But there are ads that make me frown and even annoy me.. when such type ad comes my remote is my rescuer ;) btw good topic Pavithra..Gotta see your brain someday :P

    1. Thanks Divya!
      I got the pun in your first line, HaHa!! True though.
      Oh yeah, who can forget the rescuer remote control, without them life would be hell.
      HaHa - seeing my brain??? There is nothing interesting or strange there, Divya! I have always been a maverick of a person for variety of news, that is my forte and I'm a Gemini, may be that is why I like variety - anyways nothing is exciting in my brain, that I can guarantee :-)
      Thanks for stopping by, Divya!

  8. well..its the first time that i am watching this adveert (all that my tv plays is chotta bheem..n ben 10 n relatives of ben 10's !!! )..and yes..this is sooo nice a make , indeed. ..honestly, think we too need to get into our other persons shoes once in a while to know exactly how it is..thanks for sharing.

    1. Agree with you!
      Thanks for your views Sona!!


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