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Indian Politics is a whirlwind, picking one person out of the lot is a huge exercise. There are some people in the world, whom we hate and there are several others, whom we like and there is a third category, of whom one cannot IGNORE. And that is because they are constantly in news for one reason or the other and one of those would be Subramanian Swamy. Yes, the Political Leader of Janata Party(India).
When a person speaks in a public medium, that too - when he/she holds a public service or government position, the chances of getting maximum audience and coverage in the form of people and media - would be good, when their speech beholds one of these:
1)One - Tongue firmly in cheek.
2)Two - Biting your own tongue.
And, should I even mention that - our Swamy falls under point number two?

I sometimes wonder, should his middle name be "Troublemaker"? - Yes, he gets into too much trouble and mind you! nobody pulls him out of his troubles, he saves his own butt and gets his fare share of media attention, especially twitter and goes back into hiatus for sometime and once again - gets into trouble and as they say, the cycle repeats itself.
Watching these politicians, is like watching a juggler in Circus.

Listing out some of his controversy filled speeches/actions:

1)It all started couple of years ago, when Swamy wrote a xenophobic article against non-hindus in an English daily. Mr Swamy’s solution to stop terrorism in India, is by providing Non-Hindus only have the right to vote if they “proudly acknowledge that their ancestors were Hindus” and if they “feel for the Hindus” - Is this even a solution? What was he thinking, right? No wonder this controversial write up, ultimately cost him his Harvard teaching assignment. Yes, he used to be a visiting professor of Harvard and he is a Harvard Alumni himself. Trouble doesn't stop here, a case was registered against him by the crime branch, on his hate speech.Well deserved.

2)What other job does he do, other than being the leader of Janata party and writing his mind out? He files PIL(Public Interest Litigation) in court, day-in-day-out. The problem is not with his PILs(in fact, it is a welcome move), but he shamelessly owns and shows off the outcome of any verdict(when it is according to his expectation) to his stride. He praises himself, he tells people/media that - because of his PIL, a particular issue is being debated in court, and all other non sense. While this may be partially correct(5%), it is not always true and hence people & media find him as an object of ridicule.

When one says, he/she is fighting for the good of common man(Aam Aadmi) - Self Pride, Boasting, Bragging should be locked up somewhere and they should fight for the actual cause, leading from the front and walks away unaffected by sharing the victory with everybody involved. An ideal example and a master of this concept would be Mahatma Gandhi. Although nobody expects, politicians like Swamy to be Gandhi - at least they should not brag when the victory is not completely theirs.

3)After UP assembly election, Swami tweeted "What is the diff between Akhilesh Yadav and Rahul Gandhi(Buddhu)? Former is 38 years old and has three kids. The latter is 42 and still a kid" - What can I say - another controversy, another day?
If you noticed the word "Buddhu", in his tweet - Yes, he called Rahul Gandhi a "Buddhu"!! No comments!

4)With the recent news involving the Italian Marine controversy, again Mr Swamy filed a PIL. And sat in the front row of Supreme Court cockily as always. But what he got as a return gift, is something he would never forget in his life.
The Honorable Chief Justice of India Mr Kabir, asked the following to Swamy:
"Who are you?” the judge asked. “I am sorry you are not an advocate. You have no right to appear. You have no right to argue. What will happen if any person on the road comes and says I want to argue. You might have done it earlier, but we will not allow you.”
Swamy's ego was so hurt and this ultimately led to his exit from court.

Some respite:
As of yesterday, after being a complete non-sense for quite sometime, he got back his senses and made a acceptable and relevant comment on the frisking of UP minister Azad Khan at the US airport, by stating the following: "Going to US is voluntary choice. So why this hullabaloo if a sovereign government has its own rules of security ?"
Some sense prevailed, finally!!

The real question is:
It is not that, India does not have highly educated, qualified and smart Politicians, we do have quite a lot of them - like Swamy himself, Shashi Tharoor, Akhilesh Yadav, Sachin Pilot, Chidambaram and so many more. But why don't they channel their experience, intellect, smartness on so many things that require attention, why waste time in getting into controversy and involving themselves in umpteen scams? (Swami and Shashi are like the hot favorites of controversy.)
The economy is still not up and the inflation is surging and people are loosing faith in Indian Government and for some time "Arvind Kejriwal", an IITian himself looked promising, until he got into the bandwagon of "Fault Finding Mode" and pounced on all the high profile people, got enough media attention and in turn incited common men to further hate government. If Congress is not good, then BJP is definitely not an alternative, so whom do we even vote for?
Actually none!
Leave a thought!

Image Courtesy: Internet


  1. Ahhh!!! What a timing that you have shared this great article. I have plenty to say because this Sunday we are going to the polls. The current government, being in power for more than 50 years is getting shaky due to leaders like Swamy, same attitude, behavior, self sufficient etc etc.

    We are expecting a lash of change and we are getting ready to speak our mind via voting. All said, rumors are strong on what may be the outcome if the current government is booted out and everyone is sort of stocking up groceries. We have three main races here therefore we don't know which one will be effected. Its a wait and see situation for the time being.

    1. Thanks Nava! Politics fascinates me, I usually follow Indian and American government very closely. But learned a bit about Malaysian politics from your comment. Looks like there is not much of a difference from India.
      Good luck with the poll, hope the donkey's years of the old govt, goes away and you guys see a new horizon soon! Fingers crossed!
      Stocking up groceries!! AHA - I can understand the sensitive situation!
      Hope everything goes fine for you guys!!

  2. Thanks for a perfect glimpse on Subramanian Swamy. I agree with you whole heartedly... I find him very smart and a big opportunist too... Happy blogging dear :-)

  3. :(...again, not my kind of post..politics and me are strangers!!! :D

    1. Hey Sona! Thanks for stopping by - but see, I'm very cool about it! Not many people like politics, especially when Indian Politics is nothing but a circus.
      So do not bother to read, yeah!! I'm damn cool about it.
      I'm a typical Gemini here - when it comes to news, it is like a fuel to keep me going, HaHa - Crazy me, hence I write about anything and everything under sun!


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