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Screams, Smoke, Chaos, Pain, Tears and Fatalities - Where are we heading?

I wanted to pen down something else for today, but just could not get a word out of my mind. I woke up to "Boston Marathon Bomb Blast" news early in the morning and the dreadful images that flooded internet. I just could not digest or get the images out of my mind, I'm sure the feeling is mutual. Two bombs, placed in a garbage can(or a mailbox) blasted through the finish line of the Marathon in the heart of the city of Boston.
Mind you! Boston Marathon is the KING OF ALL THE MARATHONS around the world. This is one of the biggest events of its kind, with more than half a million fans watching live or online. You can see umpteen number of flags, belonging to different countries planted nearby the sidewalk of the long stretched road leading to the finish line, representing the participant's country. Taking part in this Marathon is no easy task, but the purists practice for months to get into shape and also to get used to the unforgiving endurance. An "easy to say" but "hard to follow" word is "discipline", which goes into making these Marathoners. Typical Marathoners run for a cause - usually, to fund a rural school or a library, for cancer victims, for research on medical excellence and some, the cardio-addicted junkies for mere fun and also to witness the adrenaline rush.

Three of them, lost their lives and 140 of them, injured. The worst thing is, many people got injured fatally because of the shrapnel used in making the bomb and there are quite a lot, who lost their limbs to this blast. The images of bystanders, with severed limbs would bring even the stone-hearted to tears. You know, during the time of crisis is when, one could see the innate nature of human beings. How true is that! Most of the Boston residents, opened their doors to the injured, survivors and bystanders to take shelter. They helped them with whatever little they can. Kudos to those who helped in such a trying situation. And salutes to those who helped the bystanders and marathoners, get to safety during the blasts.
My heart goes out to those victims, their families and the injured!

The matter-of-fact question, which comes to my mind is - How can somebody, guard garbage cans in the city 24/7 (or) for that matter, any random "Joe" can place a bomb in the mailbox of some other random "Joe's" house? How would one know, there is something fishy in the mid of a thrash can or a mailbox?
Can we say, the cops were lethargic! Nope, we may not - because US has one of the best defense systems in the world. Will any one, look for a small-teeny-tiny-not-so-flattering item in a thrash can, that too - probably, was checked or scrutinized an hour back? No, practically not. Then, how on earth will we curb such violent and disturbing act against civilians?

Only when the wrongdoer realizes his or her act, these blasts would stop. Until that day, we all should stick around like nothing happened at all, and move on, I guess. Basically, we are the easy target for all those crooked minds sitting somewhere and delegating the order to bombard a city with the help of a retarded doer. How would they do this unfathomable act and sleep peacefully at night? No answers, all we have is 'questions and doubts'. Well, tomorrow is a new day - Hope to witness a normal, peaceful and a mundane day! No surprises and shocks, please!

Note: These images from Yahoo, genuinely portrays the agony of the people who were present at that time of the blast - Boston Images.(Warning: There are some disturbing images)

Image Courtesy: Internet


  1. Its so sad and devastating. I can't comprehend why but seems like there's lots of mad people in the society. Been watching CNN and now the earthquake in Iran, another tragedy and the numbers of death is catching up.

    1. Yes Nava!!
      On the one side, nature is taking its toll in the form of earthquake and on the other side human beings in the form of retarded terrorists are taking toll of other human lives!! Hmm...devastating!

  2. Some way or the other people are killing each other,so sad :(

    1. Yes Julie! Hope that, someday we all get respite.

  3. I felt very horrible Pavithra. Praying for injured people and for their recovery.

  4. Gosh Pavithra! My prayers for the people of Boston and those who are affected by this... May God give them strength to bear their loss...

    1. Yes Nilu, they definitely need strength to pull through, especially the ones with severed limbs, it is a life long reminder of what they went through!

  5. just got to agree what you have said, Pavithra. its sad.and will these wrongdoers ever get to realize their act ?? i doubt ! even the slightest of earthquake tremors (eventhough we didnt feel it directly here in kuwait) make me just think..God! are we ever prepared for it? other than to panic, what else, do we have in store???

    and by the gud news, amongst all these bads. my reply button is now working!!! yuppiees!..cudnt get to follow the instructions fully as was said in those links, coz i am using the new blogger base..but my greatest surprise, opened my blog today..and it chaalo! thanks for all ur advice n help. really appreciate it!

    1. I understand, one news was the blast and the other later the same day was earthquake - exasperating to say the least!

      Not a problem, Sona!!
      I'm very glad that finally your reply button is working. It is always good to have separate reply buttons, just in case a person who is commenting asks a specific question.

  6. True.. What did they achieve by doing this?? Is the lives or limbs of innocent people more important or the nasty way to scare governments/people in power !! Shame on those who did this, those who could't realise the value of life :( May the souls of the victims rest in peace..

    1. With you, completely!
      Yes, it is very disturbing to even realize that human lives are worthless to those wrongdoers, What do they get from such terrible act? Nobody knows.
      You know, the one thought which keeps coming to my mind is, the ones with severed limbs - they have to love with it, for the rest of their lives.

  7. Agree Pavithra..natural calmities, man made disasters...where are we headed? It can happen to anybody..anywhere...where is the assurance!! Just read about the Bangalore bomb blast..LOSS appears to be the order of the day. My heart goes out to all out there!

    1. I just read about Bangalore blast!! 16 injured.
      It is like, there is no humanly possible way to live a peaceful life anywhere in the world!


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