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Indian Men and Rape!

Seriously, what is with the rape culture among certain percentage of Indian men? In specific, we are hearing hell lot of news from the Northern part of India. The worst thing is, toddlers who are between the age of 4 and 5 are getting raped? Isn't this insanity personified? For the past one week, we have been hearing terrible news like: bomb blasts, earth quakes, explosions, 10 rape cases in India(in just one week)? One of the dailies reported that the rapist, who smothered the innocence of a 5 year old, comes out shamelessly and says - he was under the influence of alcohol and he had watched porn, before he pounced on the kid? I was like, my goodness, did he even listen to what he just said? How on earth these people sleep at night?
(Whom or What) should we blame for such atrocities? - Parents? Lifestyle? Friends? Poverty? Male Chauvinism? - These are all just hog-washes to say the least.

The real reason for the prevailing nonsense is THREE_FOLD:
1)Not having access to BASIC EDUCATION: Look at the statistics of Indian rapists, 60% of them are not educated. Isn't this a huge number? Isn't this the responsibility of the government to provide education to every individual, be it rural or urban?
Why rape cases are lesser in developed countries? It is because they are educated enough to understand their country's law, they know very well the implication of even thinking of committing such crimes.

Also there is one more thing - Police Lethargy in India: Our Police Officers should be educated in ethics and moral values periodically - Cops have NO RIGHTS to bribe a rape victim's parent to not to file a complaint against the rapist.
Also cops have no rights to say - "Who will rape a 40 year old lady?" - How dare they say that?

2)Not empowering women at home: One need not get out of the house, to learn good habits and deeds(say by attending school or by attending a mass). Education should start at home. Parents are responsible for the kids, until they outgrow themselves - Make men/boys at home respect women. Make them understand that, women are not the customized machines to do the cooking, cleaning and stuff like that. Treat your kids equally. You need not protect girls, just empower them.

As the Delhi protesters say, "Don't tell your daughter not to go out, but tell your son to behave properly" - Isn't spot on?

3)Not having Legal enlightenment: You may be wondering - why "enlightenment"? Don't you guys think, our Legal system should be updated or reviewed - accommodating the recent changes and not blindly following the 10000 pages rule book, that was written 100 years back?

As we all know, Nirbhaya was gang raped and she passed away after struggling for 13 days in Dec 2012. Politicians called her "Daughter of India". Yeah right! What did they do to the rapists, who were responsible for her death? They are still in Tihar Jail and it is going to be 5 months already. We all know what happened, all the evidences point to the culprits, the girl who was raped - herself stood as a proof, the friend who was with her, is still a proof - But our Indian Judiciary cannot come to a verdict yet? How lethargic!

I was so angry, when I heard the news that the main culprit committed suicide. How the hell can he get away so easily? The pain that he inflicted on Nirbhaya was never paid back. The Judiciary(if it has a face) - should convict the remaining gang, by subjecting them to "Chemical Castration" and then "hanging them publicly". This will be the perfect lesson to those percentage of Indian men who rape.
And forget those 'Human Rights Activist', they are just motormouths - invading prime time in news channels.

Take away:
Until all the above points are implemented, what can women do - to not to get into a situation like that:
1)It may sound like a cliché - but yes, if you are going out late in the night, carry a pepper spray or a handy mini knife or a sharp object or never leave your friend's gang when outside.
2)Do not drink too much, that you cannot handle yourself.
4)Talk to your kids about strangers and the ones you doubt, make them aware of the fact that "Strangers could harm them". This is one of the pitiful times, where we end up realizing, a kid who watches cartoon at home is better safe than the one who is playing out in the streets! Cannot digest the fact, but that is true.
3)You can look cool or hot, in the way you want without having to wear skimpy clothes. Seriously - carry your attitude, watch what you eat, work out and wear the right cloth, Voila - you look damn hot!

Hope, I did not blabber too much - Do pour in your views, positive and negative alike.

Image courtesy: Internet


  1. I don't think anything will change any soon. We need tougher laws and enforcement. Not the corrupt official and policeman and ministers. Everybody is worried about their family, their thing but not a single fellow human being. Education might helps, what make this according my point of view is you can get away with it if you can have money. They are several rich and educated people who also commit rape and get away with it.So Tougher laws . Bollywood personalities will have crocodile tears but not a single rich person in India will help any poor people or people in need. Only thing is carry at least a bottle of chili powder or knife while you walking around. Teach kids not to talik or go any where even you know the person.

    1. Thanks for your insight, Swathi!
      Indeed we need tougher and stringent law, which should be first up-to-date.
      Swathi, there was a time when people with power and money can do any wrong and getaway - now they are being nailed - an example would the scams that are being unearthed, Media's role is very important here for telling the people the truth.
      Again for this many number of rape cases to come to light in public, we have Media as a huge tool, hence now - I don't think the rich can getaway easily. You are spot on, when you say Bollywood only showers crocodile tears.
      Yes, we have to carry around something to not be in a situation like that.

    2. Absolutely and extremely disgraceful.. It is really heart breaking to see the daily news everyday about sexual and gender based violence. And gosh! Even young children aged 4 and 5 years are not spared. I agree to what you say Pavithra, this is something the Government and law enforcement agencies cannot resolve alone. We have to implement a set of rules or system to take care of ourselves and our near and dear ones. Also there should be a national development on women and children’s rights. These culprits should be hanged without any mercy.

    3. Spot on Nilu! Hearing those horrendous news everyday only make want to prune those goons with no mercy. That too the lethargic answers you get from those rapists and the police officers, makes me wonder who is safe in India?
      I definitely support the hanging of these goons.

  2. 'Indian Men and Rape':( . I feel men becoming so violent with influence with electronic medias. these numbers have been increased after the internet was founded. Most of them know how to mis use it and don't want to learn good things from such sources. Sexual crimes against women and children are reported almost everyday in India. If the crime rates increase women and children cannot step out from the house. Must hang the person or torture him physically like nothing. Grrrr

    1. Yes, you are right - electronic media to be blamed too.
      I'm with you on, torturing the rapists and in turn that would teach a lesson or 2 to the potential rapists of future.

  3. We are also facing the same issues. Raping little ones are becoming rampant and its really tragic to read about. Over here, its not about the race because its happening among the all the races. Our legal and law systems can be weak too and it takes a long time before actions are taken.

    As for the young ones, I also think that parents play a role. Kids should be watched closely and be guided on what they should do for example when approached by strangers and funny looking people.

    1. Seriously? I thought it is only in India especially the North, has this problem.
      Yes parents do play an important role, but keeping a watch for 24/7 is too much to ask for, that too when both the parents work to make the ends meet.
      But hopefully, parents are more cautious and aware of this now and become proactive enough.

  4. A matter to be looks upon seriously :(
    anyways 1st time to ur blog :) lovely informative space :) following you now

    1. Thanks Aara.
      You have a nice blog yourself, following you too.

  5. So much is being said about this but yet to see stricter steps by the government. I doubt the sinners have any fear of the outcome of such crime. How dare they do it otherwise..? Makes me feel sick to read about this..a child??? If the government can't do enough, I guess the only option left is to safeguard ourselves and our children...which again is easier said than done. I am glad that you brought this up Pavithra...maybe..maybe someday we will live in a safer world!

    1. Yes Sonali, it aches to read such news, today morning I read about 3 rapes in news paper, I just cannot believe this.
      The only way is to take precaution and protect ourselves and family members.
      I'm sure India is gonna lose a lot of foreign tourists owing up to the fact that couple of foreigners were raped too - Dunno what to blame.


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