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Funny Siri!

Today, I'm gonna be talking about a funny but incredible software application named "Siri" from Apple Inc., which is compatible with ipad, ipod touch, iphone 4S series onwards.
Although there are so many alternatives to Siri in the market right now, Siri is one of its kind and a pioneer in this area. Apple asserts that, software Siri adapts to the user's individual preferences over time and personalizes results according to user's choice. Yes, it takes time for Siri to get to know or understand you, but it surely does. Also, Siri is available in the market space from 2011 onwards.
So what is 'Siri'?
You can call this application, a voice assistant, a navigator, a personal assistant who is intelligent and smart.
All you have to do is talk to the application and it will respond back with a pre-selected voice of your choice and also in the form of text.

Say for example, you are asking Siri "Find me a Chinese Restaurant nearby", Siri would respond back by saying "These are the 4 restaurants close by" It lists out all the 4 restaurants, address, review ..etc. vocally, at the same time it types down the conversation between you and Siri in your mobile screen. Basically, you can ask any question to Siri and it would respond back with a bang on answer. Well not all the time but most of the time ;-).

For the ones who are not a fan of texting and SMSing, Siri would be of great help. Why? Because Siri can understand dictation, so you can ask Siri to type down a SMS or a text message for you so that you need not use your fingers to do the typing. Well, is this a new technology? Nope! This type of voice recognition technology is available for so long now in the software world, just that Apple(subsidiary) refined that technology to make it look cooler and trendier. Well, we all know Steve Jobs, he always makes it happen!
Also Siri can understand 15 different languages, which is great. But you know what, Apple does not concentrate too much on Indian Market Space(although they are planning to in 2013), because their products are too costly for Indian Market. Hence Hindi is not one of those 15 languages that Siri can pridefully boast off.
Here is a question, "Do we have to change our accent to be able to talk to Siri?" Well, the answer is no. You don't have to, but if one is heavily accented, then it would be a tumultuous ride with Siri. But mostly, you can have fun with Siri!

The Fun starts, here!(for the ones who does not have time to read the above, but wanna have fun, you are covered too :))!
So here, I compiled some of the funny incidents with Siri in picture. I don't own a iphone, so these are not my conversation with Siri. I browsed through the internet to get some really bang on funny Siri conversations. And here they are:

This says, do not mess with Siri, it takes everything serious, HaHa!!

This is what happens, when there is no humanly emotions, poor Siri!!

 And this is ultimate & fatal technology!! HeHe....., isn't it?
Although I enjoy all these new trends to the core, I also believe in the following line & I'm sure you do too.
"Life was much easier when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits."
Hope you enjoyed reading this.
Image Courtesy: Somewhere from internet


  1. Surely I did enjoy reading it :) First part was quite informative in layman' s language and second part was just hilarious :)

    For me it will be difficult to comment on the usefulness of SIRI, as I dont have such devices, but I will prefer doing my own searches instead of relying on some algorithm written by some whiz-kid.

    1. Thanks Sanjay :-)
      Yes, I wanted to simplify the technical jargon and that is what the first part is all about. Second part is definitely funny, I cracked up after reading the last conversation of Siri.
      Yes, sometimes the old way is the better way, because human memory capacity is going down because of these gadgets & applications which can do stuffs for us, so we keep only very less stuff in mind and we reply so much on internet. Dunno when the day will come where there is no internet! Hope it never comes!

  2. Have experienced the fun part,it is sure a funny advancements!!

    1. Yes Julie! Technology is lot of fun. Since we cannot bring in emotion to tech, it really cracks up sometime. It reminds me of the movie "Robot".

  3. Lolz.. Have heard of them.. But not experienced them for real !! Truly said dear, 'Life was definitely much simple when fruits were actually fruits' :)

    1. Thanks Chitz, it is indeed a wonderful line!!


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