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Book Review: "Attitude is Everything" by Jeff Keller

Yes, you guessed it right, this book falls under the category of Non-Fiction. The author says, the book will change your life forever.
Okie, I read the book. Did it change my life? Well, I will let you guys guess the answer by telling you, what I'm doing right now - I'm having a cup of coffee(yes, home made cappuccino) as always, read three online dailies as always, listening to country music by band 'Lady Antebellum' as always, looking for a good movie to download as always. Well, I'm sure, you know the answer! HeHe.
For the once, who has no time to read the review, jump straight to the verdict section at the bottom.
So the question here is, why this not-so-interesting book got too many rave reviews in the first place.
My guesses would be:
1)Damn cheap - 150 bucks
2)Very less page count - 130 pages
3)If this is your FIRST ever motivational, inspirational or self-help book then guess what? You are gonna jump from head to toe and say what a lovely write up.
But my friends, I'm a sucker for such books, read quite a lot and take my word on this, there are 100s of better books than this.

The problem with the book is, there is nothing new to offer or there is nothing extraordinary that will stick with you even after you are done with the book. Basically, it is powerless. Motivational and Self-help books, have the problem of getting the attention of the readers and trapping them by giving anecdotes, examples, punch lines, quotes and so on for the readers to glue to the content unlike fiction, where you have a story which goes on and on for 300 to 500 pages.

The book is set out in three parts: Thinking, Saying and Acting. Each chapter is an essay on a topic relating  to one of these subjects. Here comes the other problem, self help books should never follow an unending essay pattern. The chapters should be split into chunks or snippets, not more than a page or two to keep the audience attention.

I liked couple of celebrity examples from the book(These two would stand out from the rest for sure)

1)Celine Dion was asked if she ever dreamed at the start of her career that someday she’d sell millions of records and sing in front of tens of thousands of people. Her response was that none of this surprised her as she had pictured the whole thing since she was five years old. 
That was one heck of a confidence, I must say.

2)In 1990, while Jim Carrey was still a relatively unknown comedian, he wrote a cheque to himself for $10 Million for “acting services rendered” and post-dated it thanksgiving 1995. Jim Carrey knew he was going to be a success and every day he looked at this cheque. In 1994 he was paid $7 million for his role in “Dumb and Dumber” and in 1995 he earned many more millions. 
This clearly proves, how much gumption one has to have, to think positive and have confidence in their ability.

Well, these 2 killer examples are not enough to say, a book is great. The author vouches for his idea of attitude that changed his life and he wanted to share his experiences with his readers, so that they can change theirs. Reading this book changed only one thing in my mind - "Why did I spend 150 bucks on a feeble book, instead I should have gone for a ''Cafe Mocha" from CCD, where I was sitting and reading this book"!! Hmm..

Verdict: Do not buy, if you are an avid reader!
But you can buy, if this is the first time you are trying out such genre.


  1. Lol... U r pissed after reading this book.. U hoped to revive something but couldn't.. It's very clear from this post now :P

    1. HeHe, you know what I like reading such books, not that I need motivation - but it is a routine. I like using the anecdotes, lines, quotes wherever i can, like in a soft skills training or something like that. But this book has nothing to offer for me. :)

  2. And for me it's always fiction.. I do not touch these kind of books :( Somehow they don't grab my attention !!

    1. I used to like fiction during my college days, you know you have lot of time , so to pass time I used to read those 500 to 1000 page books. But once I started working, I completely switched to leadership, motivational and stuff like that. Now I cannot read fiction at all :-)

  3. I have given up on such books long time ago, maybe I needed it when I did not know the directions in my life. Now at a much older age, I am fine with my life and got it moving on the right track. Salute you for the time in reading the book. The only reading I do is the newspapers, also at times Women magazines.

    1. Nava, it is a routine for me. I moved from fiction to Non-Fiction after college days.
      When I started working, especially when you train freshers - some quotes, anecdotes from these books actually helps in planting the motivational thoughts in them - so I kinda read them.
      But this book, was not worthy at all.
      I too read a lot of Magazines, in specific Readers digest!

  4. Good review,nice write up dear:)

  5. Thanks for the review, title looked too good.
    Carrot and Paneer- Dish it out event announcement

  6. That was an interesting review! These days there are so many out there with a fantastic title that lures you into buying them but does not turn out as expected. I like the examples..especially Jim Carrey. So there was at least some takeaway from the book:-)

    1. Thanks Sonali!
      Yes, there are umpteen with alluring titles, which tells the same.
      But yes, you are right, there is always a takeaway!

  7. Pavithra.. I started reading this post with lotts of interest as I loved the title of the book and assumed you must have liked the book too... But as I started reading further a deep smile grew on my lips.. Thanks for sharing the review.. My hubby loves reading these types of books and I'm surely gonna share this with him...Happy blogging dear :-)

    1. HeHe Nilu :) - I kinda give a true perspective of the book , because I don't get anything by saying good or bad about a book. But you know, when it becomes mundane - it really freaks me out. Like there is nothing else to offer.
      So yes, that is why the book review is slightly towards the negative.

      But thanks for reading Nilu, do share the review with your hubby!!
      Thanks dear, happy blogging to you too.

  8. Aha Pavithra what a frank Review, am a totally bad reader and definitely do not read much books like you, but kudos to you for being a good reader... and seems like you are an all rounder too, a reviewer, a random writer and a good cook too :) Cheers gal :)

    1. Thanks Divya!
      Being a Gemini, I kinda like everything, so it is only natural that i scribble about everything - so that I never get bored. :)
      Thanks for the sweet words, Divya!


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