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Bangalore is scorching hot!!

Barely 3 weeks back, the weather in Bangalore was cool as a cucumber, but now it is not just extremely hot but also sweaty and annoying. Bangalore is one of those favored places in India, where winter persists for at least 5 months of every year and for the rest of the year, the climate sides mildly towards the winter, although you cannot call it a Spring. And mind you, most of us need not switch on the fan to sleep in the night, Bangalore nights are like built in air conditioning at service 24/7 with mild showers then and there. You will easily come across people wearing a pair of sock inside their houses. Well, the climate is that beautiful!  But, by the mid of March this year, suddenly everything changed, like somebody pulled a stack of card, the climate became painfully hot and sweaty, it is not even summer yet! Why this abrupt climate change?
Who is the culprit behind causing such an inconvenience not just to Bangalore but to the entire world(but mainly to India)? - Yes, you guessed it right, Global Warming!

What is Global Warming anyway?
Global warming is caused by wide-spread human interference in the environment. There are three main reasons:
  1. Our factories, manufacturing units, industries emit Carbon Dioxide(CO2)in huge amount into the atmosphere, this has given way to Greenhouse Effect* which in turn catapulted the weather and made it warmer or hotter for longer duration of time and that is why our Summer starts and extends beyond Summer.
  2. The other reason is clearing of forests, otherwise called as deforestation. In the urban world, we see a lot of multi-storeyed buildings and sprawling shopping malls shining bright by taking the place of dense forests. 
  3. Day-in-day-out, we see an increase in the number of vehicle on road and that constitutes to CO2 emission as well and adds pressure to the already depleting environment.
Now let us talk about, what "little" can we do to fix this from our end and save our Earth from further depletion?
  1. Education is King: Let people know about Global Warming and educate them into doing their bit. Use electricity wisely. When your niece Preeti doesn't switch off the fan, do not do it for her. Ask her to come back and switch the fan off. Yes, you guessed it right, I'm definitely gonna throw in the following line "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime". HaHa, I love interesting lines, you see.
  2. Use CFL bulbs and tubes instead of the regular ones.
  3. Use re-cycled paper and products.
  4. Use public transportation once in a while by letting your car sit in the garage for say at least once or twice a month :-) OR if you have good savings, go buy a Hybrid or Electric Car, their emission levels are low or Nil(Nil is too strong of a word, Hmm.... I doubt!!).
  5. Plant trees(only if you don't live in the apartment's 9th floor & upwards, b'coz you cannot enjoy the benefits, you see) :-).
  6. I firmly believe in the line "To each, his own" but I would still go ahead and say the following & will give an explanation as to why I insist - "Become a vegetarian or vegan gradually". Hey, I turned vegetarian 8 years ago and I'm enjoying my stint as a vegetarian. Although, I eat egg big time, I will find an alternative to egg & will give up consuming egg gradually. Research proves that, Farm Animals are responsible for more greenhouse gas emission than vehicles - Can you believe that? The billions of chickens, turkeys, pigs, and cows who are crammed into factory farms produce enormous amounts of methane, both during digestion and from the excreta. Scientists report that, every pound of methane is more than 20 times as effective as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in our atmosphere.
Although point number 6 is too much to ask for, we can all try to follow until point number 5, can't we?
Let us do our part and make our Earth a better place to live.
Pour in your thoughts!

*Greenhouse Effect(The below definition is from Wikipedia):
The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal(heat) radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is back towards the surface and the lower atmosphere, it results in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of the gases.
Image courtesy: Somewhere from internet


  1. Oh yes Pavithra. We are too experiencing similar issues. The morning and mid day is burning hot and shower in the night. The rain does not do any good because the heat is still on. I as usual sweat like crazy. Yes to the tips. We have loads of plants, creepers including. Also I am all for saving the earth.

    1. Thanks Nava! It is good to know that people are doing their bit, even though our service would be a drop in the ocean, at least we are trying!! :-)
      Also creepers are very beautiful around the pillars, windows,..etc and gives loads of shade, especially when their leaves are super big. Love them any day!

  2. i have lived in bangalore before and it used to be cool and pleasant. so strange and weird. i agree on all the points you have mentioned in the post.

    1. Thanks Dassana. Indeed, the typical Bangaloreans(I used to get to see them in trains, you know you start a conversation, especially the old ones) who are born and brought up here would swear by Urbanization for the current status of Bangalore. The once lovely Bangalore is now just another city in India. Hmm.. hope the summer goes away soon.

  3. We in Coimbatore are experiencing the same issue... I relocated to Coimbatore last month and was awesomely surprised by the pleasant climate (as I had come from Chennai and it's too hot there)... But suddenly from last week, it has become really hot... and no signs of rains too :( Great post Pavithra... Loved reading it... We all should follow this :-)

    1. Hey thanks Nilu!!
      Indeed Nilu, it has become a global problem now, abrupt climate change, very dangerous in long run. I know, Coimbatore is one of those lovely places where the climate is pretty good, thanks to Ooty above!! Rains , aahhh forget it , it is not gonna show its head for another 6 months i guess, dunno it is super hot. There are quite a few power cuts in Bangalore too. But all i keep hearing is that, there is too much power cut in TN, even backup doesn't get charged enough, that is very sad.

  4. All correct except Point 6.. I am all the more ready to eat grass fed, organic chicken !! Less or no fat & all the more protein !! But to avoid it is very very difficult :( I have tried a couple of times, but what I became was a sober person with no zest in life !! And better than killing the chlorophyll filled plants, is to eat chicken.. Eat chicken, save plants, Go green :P And eating non veg is very essential to balance the life on earth, the pyramid.. So hope u understand *grins*

    1. HaHa, I was expecting this from you Chitz!! I see all lovely and drool worthy recipes in your blog and I advising people to get over meat, HaHa - What was I thinking, right??
      That is why I put up a line, stating that letz follow till point number 5 :-)
      Organic chicken is a damn good idea, i didn't know - Good point yaar!!

      So basically - you stopped eating chicken and became a chicken, and then you went back catching chicken and now your are back to normal!! HaHa - I have heard this from couple of my friends, who also tried but did not like it. But that is OK i guess. But one thing is for sure, the amount of protein that non-vegetarians get can never ever be compensated by we vegetarians for sure!!! Hmm... That is why I'm sticking to egg to get a little more protein.
      I had lots of fun reading the line -> Eat chicken, Save plant , Go green!! -- Love it, that is innovative!! -- Also I'm planning to write about the goodness of having Meat!!
      Also yes, balancing pyramid is very important, so yes let us all co-exist :)

  5. Well written. Bengaluru has changed so much, each time come I see a diff bengaluru.

    I can try and manage all the 5 points, point 6 to one extent and unable to give up.

    1. Thanks Latha!
      Indeed, Bangalore has changed a lot!!
      HaHa, I understand point number 6 is very troublesome, that is why I added a line stating that let us all follow till number 5, safe haan!! :)

  6. great write up...I have some real pleasant memories of Bangalore :)As long as I stayed there I never had to switch on the fan :) And honestly I'm with u ,people should be using the public transport or cycles..How I wish we could ride cycles in India...guess it's all with the mindset!
    You have a very interesting blog and I'm glad to follow u!

    1. Thanks Reni, indeed you are spot on.
      I'm with you on the cycle idea, good for health as well as environment. If only, Indian Govt. would promote the idea!!
      Also I just visited your blog and got to say, you have a lovely blog yourself. Happy to follow you too.


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