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A lesson on Unity!

I'm brain dead. Yes, that is how I feel today. Too much of philosophical thinking brought writer's block(Yes, I consider myself a writer(HaHa). No No No, you cannot laugh! ;-) )
So here is a story that I stumbled upon sometime back, which teaches a simple but effective lesson! Read on.
I'm sure you would have seen Geese(weird pronunciation, yes plural of Goose) flying south for the winter, if you would have observed properly, you might have seen them forming a "V" shape in the sky, But do you know why? As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following.(Much like how 'Formula One' cars work) By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds at least 71 percent greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going more quickly and easily, because they are travelling on the thrust of one another.

When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. If we have the sense of a goose, we will stay in formation with those people who are heading the same way we are.

When the head goose gets tired, it rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point. It is sensible to take turns doing demanding jobs, whether with people or with geese flying south. Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. What message do we give when we honk from behind a wheel? Get it?

Finally and this is important! - when a goose gets sick or is wounded by gunshot, and falls out of the formation, two other geese fall out with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection. They stay with the fallen goose until it can start the journey again or until it dies and only then do they fly out on their own, or with another formation to catch up with their own group. If we have the sense of  goose, we will stand by each other like that.
When they say, "Unity is Strength", it is not without a reason. Hope you enjoyed reading the story!

Image Courtesy: Of course, internet


  1. Oh Pavithra. Tell me about the brain dead. As I comment on this article, touching on the importance of unity, I am also struggling to prepare a few article for the week. My work load for this week is spilling over and no way I can find the time to write for the rest of the week. Sometimes I wonder why I put stress by blogging. Other days, I am highly motivated to write.

    I like your highlights on unity and I wish many will write this perfect article. That said, only a handful practice because people have difficulties putting aside jealousy and envy. Well I am in for supporting anyone to prosper in their lives and why not in seeing someone excelling and that we were their strengths, may not in big ways but in little ways that contributed to where they are today.

    Take care and have to continue cracking my head for choices of words for the remaining articles. Will come by tomorrow.

    1. I understand Nava, it is a big circus to juggle everything that we involve ourselves in and to manage the balance!! Every single individual can write a book on it and still each one will be unique, I bet!! I think you take a break for couple of days, get refreshed or rejuvenated and come back with a bang on to blog-o-sphere. See everybody needs a break!!
      You have an established and a credible blog with variety as its core, I'm sure readers would stick by even if you take a break :-)
      I totally agree that following is a different ball game and it is not easy at all, the idea of this blog is to bring in the wisdom, that is pretty much it. You know sometimes, even though we don't follow, we know what our conscience would pick. So it is just the idea that i'm selling, no follow through, HaHa!
      Anyways, it was great as always reading your non-biased and practical perspective. You take care and I hope your get through your writer's block :) - Will catcha tomorrow.

  2. Hi Pavithra, I stumbled upon your blog while connecting with others. Loved your post and the underlying message..this is what I needed to read today. I go blank quite a few times and ever since I started blogging (less than 2 months)I feel guilty and frustrated for not being able to meet deadlines and give it the quality it deserves, be it the pictures, recipes or stories. Too much happening at the same time. But I also feel grateful to have found this warm community of bloggers that I didn't know existed. So far I've been the lucky 'goose' who is pushed back into line. Yes 'Unity is strenght' and I believe it more than ever! Look forward to more such posts:-)

    1. Thanks Sonali! I'm glad you liked my post!!
      We are all lucky geese here, because even I started only recently(by the end of Feb), so stumbled on to one blog after the other and have a regular set of readers and followers out here as well as in G+. Although I have to network more :). So having a gala time hearing reader's views and comments. It always makes my day!! Happy to be around the blog-o-sphere!! You know, I'm not a complete food blogger, to me variety is spice, but still food blogger community is what I stumbled onto and guess what they welcomed with stretched arms!! :) - Also noticed that, your blog does not have a GFC follower widget, only when you add that, people can follow you!! :)

  3. need lot of patience 2 write these types of aritcles or wt ever..1st i apperciate 4 dat.n second i 2 luv write no time.

    1. Hey thanks Maha! I kinda love writing, more like a passion and hence i'm sailing through so far :-)
      Also I visited your space, and you got some real good recipes out there, will check out!!

  4. hey!! that was a great read to start a new day !! and thanks a lot dear, for passing on the Leibester award to me once again ! appreciate that i dont have to write abt it all over again. think the most difficult part is writing about myself..while we can go on and on about others ;)

    1. Hey Thanks Sona!! I'm glad you liked it! I actually fell in love with your left-over fixing idea, it is really innovative :)
      I know, it is sometimes painful to write about ourselves, that is why I asked you not to :)

  5. What a incredible, motivating and touching post... We all need to be more like the geese, just as the story suggests! I loved this post Pavithra:-)

  6. Im very touched. Well said Pavithra, In every situation in life, unity is necessary for survival. Good Post!!! Thumps Up :)

    1. Hey Thanks Dhanish, indeed - unity is the survival kit for anyone!

  7. I missed this day before !! Don't know why, but feel like I will give this the bestest post in ur space that I have read status.. Felt touching.. If geese can stay united and have compassion why cant we human beings have?? That lil feeling is just enuf to save the world from petty small fights to world wars !!

    1. Thank you, Thank you, Chitz!!! :) You are so kind to call this the 'Bestest post' of mine!!, I'm loving it...... Another Gangnum around the corner, thanks to u, HaHa.
      True, we can all learn a lot from the things just happening around. And if only we follow some of them, there will be no fights, wars, rapes, attacks, corruption and all the other vices!!


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