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The Idea of ZEN!

This is my 50th post & I want to write about something which is close to my heart. What better stuff can I pen down than "ZEN". Do not worry, the 'ZEN' I'm talking about is nothing to do with Religion, God or anything of that sort.
By definition, being Zen is about doing things right for the mind, body and soul. It can help you relax, have a positive outlook on life and find a higher spiritual worth.
Origination of the word "Zen":
"Zen" is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese character "chan," which is in turn the Chinese translation from the Indian Sanskrit term "Dhyana," which means "meditation".

Definition of "ZEN":
ZEN is not a belief, it is an attitude or a way of being! It is the belief of no faith. You can practice any religion or you can be a non-conformist, but you can still be a Zen.

All about "ZEN":
  • Zen means free from concerns, interests, wants, distractions, conflicts of the material world. - To simplify the former line into day-to-day life values: Have only those things that you require and let go off the rest. Do not yearn for material comforts.
  • Zen means living in the present/moment and acknowledge the basic miracle of life itself. - This line does not state that 'do not think about future', - it’s more being aware of your actions, senses and thoughts that you are doing right now, in your every day routine and appreciate them.
  • Zen means being in the flow of universe - Which translates to, non-interference with the course of natural events. Going with the flow.  
  • Zen means being aware of your oneness with the world and everything in it - The line talks about shedding illusion and approaching things without distortion created by your own thoughts.
Here is some wisdom talk by Leo Babauta of Zen habits:

Others are so anxious of living the future that they forget to live the present, which is the only time that truly exists. We all have equal time throughout the world. No one has more or less. The difference lies in how each one of us does with our time. We need to live each moment.
Also John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”.

How to attain ZEN in day-to-day life(I have mentioned only the ones, that can be attained by practice):
  • Meditation - (It could just be 5 minutes, close your eyes and just breathe in & out, do not think about your day-to-day troubles, trust me - it helps eventually)
  • Slowing down - (If you are doing 10 things at a time, try to stop that and target just one & move to the other only when you complete the first, your brain would thank you for this one day :) )
  • Let go of Material Interests/Pursuits - (Aha, the hardest, isn't it? But you can achieve this, by not giving up on everything you got, but by buying or pursuing the ones which are necessary or you cannot live without)
An interesting Zen Story:

A Native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he felt about life. He said, "I feel, as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, angry, violent one. The other wolf is the loving, compassionate one." The grandson asked him, "Which wolf will win the fight in your heart?" The grandfather answered: "The one I feed."

I realize the fact that, Zen is a grey area & not many people can relate to it - but just wanted to pen down my quest on this topic. Leave a comment or a question if you wish to. Also, do not bother if you cannot relate to the topic, I totally understand.

Image & content courtesy: Lots of research from various sources via internet. Special mention - for the thought & article on Zen by Leo Babauta & 101 zen stories.


  1. Congrats dear for your 50th post...:)

  2. not many people can relate to zen. i have read many zen books. to read is one thing and to be in zen is a different matter altogether. i do have a zen approach in the way i live but sometimes can be really tough, especially when matters of the heart or feelings are concerned. loved the way you have penned down the post.

    1. I sure agree with you, Dassana!
      Zen is actually a very complicated subject and each and every individual can take Zen in a different perspective. People always think Zen is about religion but actually it is not. It is just the way of life that we can adopt to live a better life!
      I was happy to know that you follow Zen approach, also I understand that Zen can be really tiresome & mundane sometime. I follow quite a lot of blogs which prescribes Zen approach, but never read a book. I should do that soon.
      Thanks for taking time and not just reading through but also for giving your valuable comment and views!! Thanks Dassana.

  3. Congrats mam on ur 50th post.. Let U & me & everyone around attain Zen in their lives :)

    1. Thanks Chitz!!
      Oh sure will love that, everybody attaining Zen, there won't be any problem left in the world, an Utopian world :-)

  4. Nice write-up, which gave me some insight into this often heard word.

    Though I agree with things it talks about, but frankly I am not a follower of any of such big theories. I try to keep things simple and follow my beliefs and do what my heart n mind says. But I strongly believe in the diction... "Each One to his OWN" :)

    And Many congratulations on your attaining 50 posts ...... sorry for being late... yes now the number had reached to 54 :)

    1. Thanks Sanjay!
      I liked the line "do what my heart n mind says", it is true , we all have one life to live, and we definitely do not want to live following other's style, it should definitely be our own. Also , I quote the line(To each, his own) that you had quoted almost everywhere, i do believe in it.
      And thanks for the wishes, i'm happy that i was regular for 50 days :)


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