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Fizzy Drink!

What is the best drink that goes with "KFC's  Veg Zinger" or "MCD's  McVeggie", it is definitely a Coke or a Pepsi! Hands down! You know they say, a junk goes best with a junk!! How true is that?

The worst thing is, we all know the health risks involved in drinking sodas, but we still have them. We would have heard a thousand times about all the bashings the Nutrition Experts from various research centers around the world keeps yapping about, but we don't take it serious, because having sodas are not like having a cigarette which causes eventual degradation of organs and puts us at a risk of lung cancer at the earliest. Since we cannot see our health getting affected directly we don't mind having once or twice a week. But there are quite a huge population who consume them day in day out. Go to any house in the USA as a guest, the first thing they offer you is a choice between a coke and a diet coke? Why do we do that? Because, it is easy to offer a ready-made drink than making one. But, is it worthy of not taking the trouble of making the drink at home? Read the below reckoner to get an idea as to what these sodas does to us.

The Trouble:
1)Having even one or two cans of soda a week can alter the metabolism & slows it down eventually and hence it makes you pile on weight that you never wanted.

2)Do not think Pepsi & Coke are the only ones which are bad for health, there are soft drinks which takes various Avatar's disguised as ‘health’ drinks like 'Vitamin Water' and ‘sports’ drinks like 'Gatorade'.

3)In children, soft drinks have been linked to timely cravings and addiction, it can make the appetite go haywire that they become hungry for junk food.

4)These drinks increase the risk of heart disease, liver failure and hypertension.

5)There is a huge surge in the risk of type 2 diabetes upon regular consumption. Also the sugar levels lead to obesity. Each regular can of cola contains eight teaspoons of sugar. Can you believe it? No wonder we pile up weight.

6)Over consumption of sugar has been linked to depression, poor memory formation and learning disorders.

7)One of the main culprits is Citric acid, which gives the soft drinks their kick. Which is also why our teeth gets corroded & gives way to cavity.

8)Having too much of fizzy drink strips tooth enamel causing pain and discoloration.

The fad called Diet Drink:
Oh, we always believe that when we drink Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi we are saving our selves from piling on weight. Well, sorry to break it for you, it is worser than the regular drinks. Here is why:
Diet drinks might have “empty calories” but it does have it's own problems, but one in particular:

Trouble Maker content: Aspartame
What is the harm?: Aspartame increases cancer risk in female.

The Alternative:
Go for Coffee, Tea, Lemonade, Coconut water, Orange juice or any other fruit juices, buttermilk and last but never the least our very own immaculate "Water". I'm not saying these are all good alternatives, but they are way better than carbonated drinks/sodas.

The not-so-easy solution:
Never by them(period). I know, it is easier said than done. But trust me on this, do not buy those big cans when you make a visit to your supermarket for a month and see how good you feel about it & then you can let it go for good.
I let this habit go, couple of years ago. You see, I only endorse those things I do or I believe in ;-)

What should Govt do?
1)Our Govt should introduce higher level of taxes on soft drinks to cut consumption.
2)The other way is to add a statutory warning in the soda bottles to the consumer letting them know of the  health risks. Just like how a cigarette carton displays the warning.
3)Banishing sodas from school and college canteens.

Image courtesy: Somewhere from Internet


  1. Good write up. It is great that someone is writing up all these information to share with others. Keep up the good work

    1. Thanks a bunch!! Oh, I love writing about stuffs that I believe in!!
      And I will try to keep up, Thanks again!

  2. Very true... Y go for such carbonated drinks that makes us burp every once in awhile when we have lovely other nature provided ones :)

    1. Yes Chitz. I tell you, seriously they are the main reason for all the obesity in the world!

  3. Nice and quite informative read.
    And what stands out in the post is your conviction towards combating the ills of present day life-style. Fizzy drinks is only one one aspect of it..... there are many others.....

    1. Thanks as always, Sanjay! I actually have experience bloated tummy because of having too much of carbonated drinks long back, so this is tried & tested on me!! And that is why I endorse getting rid off carbonated drinks!
      And yes, you are correct when you say these drinks are not the only ones which troubles us, there are quite a lot & I will come to that one at a time :)

  4. so true. with every combo meal in mc donalds, they have one coke. its so stupid. even when i see the coke or pepsi ads...and what about all the plastic bottles... i wonder where do they go...

    1. That is correct, Dassana! All the superstars endorse these carbonated drinks in the form of ads & that also adds up to the trouble, especially with kids who gets enticed by the ads & they want them right there.
      And good point about the plastic bottles, they are ruining our mother earth!!
      And I will try to research & write about it some day.

  5. Lovely post...It’s just not a carbonated drink... it's a slow poison which will cause to many health defects.

    1. Absolutely spot on!! Yes they are a slow poison, just that we cannot see it ruining our health at the moment, but eventually degrade our lifestyle.


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