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Ayyo Krishna!

This incident happened 3 years ago at work. It was a Friday morning, 8:00 AM. I had come to work early that particular day to attend a client call & there was nobody else around my cubicle.
You all know by now that, me & my ex-roomy had a ritual of eating out once every week in a new restaurant. So that particular weekend, we planned to go to ISKCON temple. Again, why are we going there? Of course, the one & only reason is to eat :). You may not know, ISKCON has some of the best food spread in their menu, for a meager 15 to 40 bucks(on each item) you have nearly 30 to 40 snacks to choose from & they serve you in a small bowl made of lotus leaf. Mind-blowing is the one word to express the amount of variety & the quality of food you get there. No buffet can beat that out.

But ISKCON temple opens & closes at a weird timing. So we wanted to go on time & have good food & of course to enjoy the tranquility. So I started browsing ISKCON's site & figured their timing out. By then, I was called in by my Manager for some work, so I locked my system & moved out. I did not return back to my cubicle for an hour. By the time my entire project team had arrived & logged into their systems & they were all seated nearby my cubicle. It was 8:30 AM, everybody started hearing a peculiar but feeble chanting from somewhere. So they where rumbling around to make sense of what is being sung in the form of chanting.

Soon they realized that the chanting is nothing but "Hare Rama Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare" in a feeble tone, so they all cracked up & they moved around each & every system, mobile phones & what not to figure out where the sound is coming from. Since they could not figure it out, although it was damn funny they feared it could be a virus attack of some weird kind. So they were planning to inform the network guy to take a look. And this is when I returned back to my cubicle & I was able to hear the holy chanting as well. And I sarcastically asked the team about the holy ringtone. But suddenly, when the lyrics made sense to me, I realized that the goof up was done by me. When I left my cubicle, I also left the ISKCON site open on my browser. Yes, the Active X control and few more plugins were loading when I browsed for the temple timing, so by the time I left, the plugins got loaded & the site started singing it's holy song on it's own. So the site was the culprit. We all had a hearty laugh & went to our Cafeteria to celebrate the goof-up with Chai.

PS: Now ISKCON Bangalore has it's own site & they don't sing or chant ;-)
Hope you enjoyed reading.
Image Courtesy:


  1. gud read Pavithra. and..hey!
    i have just posted on the Leibester Award that you had passed on to me..

    chk it out here

    1. Hey Thanks Sona. I will check your blog right away.

      OMG, thanks for the lovely & generous feedback on the blog.
      Me happy! Me happy! Jumping around & doing a Gangnam Style myself!!

  2. lol... that was a gud one.. And yes, me & my friends also used to love the wide variety of dishes out at the ISKCON.. We used to travel a long way to eat that delicious meal.. But atfer a while, they started charging it.. We were a lil disappointed.. But anything for good fud, rite :D

    1. Thanks Chitz! I had no clue that they were giving all those lovely food for free one point of time. May be long back I guess. Now they charge but as said by you - Anything for food, any day!!:-)

  3. Nice reading and very good narration, as usual :)

    But what I liked the most is the pic accompanying this post :)

    1. Thanks Sanjay!!
      I know, the picture made it all the more special, right. I got it from , they have some good ones! It is funny!


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