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Aicha - One who lives!!!

First of all, Happy Women's Day to all of you!
Today, I'm going to introduce you guys to a beautiful & delicate song called "Aicha"(pronounced as 'Aisha'). 'Aicha' is an Arabian name which means "She who lives", apt it is!! Yes, it is all about women today.
Some may like regional songs(like hindi, tamil...etc) and some may prefer international songs(pop, country...etc) & here, this one is a fabulous mix of its own culture(which is Danish) & it also blends in an appeal of internationalism to the song. This song was a brainchild of a band called Outlandish, which enjoyed a very good success in the Western countries in 2003. Somehow, it missed the Indian subcontinent. Hence I'm here to do the honor of bringing this song back in & introducing this song to you guys on a remarkable day. What better day can I talk about women than "International Women's day", right?

Do not worry, this is not about a guy singing about his lover or girl friend, this song is about a guy praising the women community as a whole. You can relate the lyrics to your mom, sister, daughter, friend, girl friend or some girl who made or making a difference in your life. Yes, you heard it right - the lyric fits every girl in the world! And that is what makes this song so special.
Watch this 4 minutes video,  you will not regret it - I swear!!!

I especially like the following lyrics in the song,
"She holds her child to her heart
Makes her feel like she is blessed from above
Falls asleep underneath her sweet tears
Her lullaby fades away with his fears"

I would dedicate this song to all the women in the world & also to the guys who treat their women as equals!
Leave a comment if you would like to dedicate this song to somebody of your choice!!
If you are interested in the lyrics, then here you go:  Aicha - Lyrics!

Video courtesy: Youtube


  1. It was lovely browsing through your space.. enjoyed reading..
    Happy Women's Day..

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Reva.
      I just visited your blog 'kaarasaaram', got to admit, it is hugely amazing & the traffic you have is quite a big sum & commendable. Also you have drool worthy recipes brocaded in your blog. Love them & will visit often to learn some. :)
      Again I'm very glad you enjoyed reading my blog!!

  2. I'm pleased to pass on the Leibster award to you... please pick it up from

    1. OMG, I'm going crazy here!!
      Thank you! Thank You! Thank You, Poornima. You have no clue, how happy I'm!!
      Appreciate your kindness!! And this definitely motivates me to write better for sure!!

  3. Hi Pavitra,
    first time have excellent writing skill...

    1. Hi Bhawna, Thanks for dropping by!
      I just visited your blog & I must say, you have some of the drool worthy yet simple recipes listed out there, I will check out one by one!

  4. We love this song.. me & my sis. Always in the playlist :)

    1. I must say, we have lots in common when it comes to music and food and visiting places. If I'm right, you are a ARR fan too. And I'm glad. :)

    2. Yup.. Me too an ARR fan :) I too have thought the same dear.. There is a lot in common between us :)


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