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Ways to tackle a situation

You know people say - when you are sad or angry, all you have to do is go to an empty room, lock the door & vent it out in the form of crying, yelling & blah blah blah. That was so 20th century!!

You know what people say now??
See the picture below, here "How I met your mother" TV series's funny guy 'Barney Stinson' says "When I'm sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead",

This is so 21st century.
Isn't it true that we all have our bad days(or Off days) where we just do not know how to fix a problem or arrive at a solution to a persisting issue it could be at work, it could be personal - but we all know that we have no clue as to how to come out of that mire.
Well, all we have to do is follow the steps,

Relaxation Phase:
1)Take a break and get some me-me time. Say at office:  go to cafeteria, go out for a walk, get a coffee or listen to your IPod. Do not think about the problem. Do this for 10 to 15 minutes. This clears you anger momentarily.

Realization Phase:
2)Now rewind a little & think about 'how' or 'why' the problem occurred in the first place.

Preparation Phase:
3)Figure out who is the main culprit.
       a)If the person responsible for the problem is not you & you are just in the purview of the problem,    then relax & just think about what all the queries you may be facing from your supervisor(or somebody at home) & mentally jot down your answers. This is called preparation, which would help anyone to counter an argument fluently without "Ifs & Buts". This will make your answer look confident.
       b)If the person responsible for the problem is definitely you, then look for the trigger which caused the problem in the first place. The trigger could be a colleague who screwed up a database entry or it could be a habit that others(family) do not approve of or it could even be you - not listening to your peers or juniors idea. In this case you just have to think about something worst that could happen in future if you continue the attitude/way/habit that triggered the problem & you should be happy that it is not over yet. However big the current situation is, things could be worser if you don't fix it now. So you have the opportunity of stopping something worst which could happen in the future. Now that you have found the trigger & the possible fix - you are ready for the next phase.

Coming Clean Phase:
4)Once you realize what the trigger is - it all comes down to you making an effort to handle the trigger so that in future the same problem never occurs.
You can go straight to your supervisor(in case of work) or family member(in case it is personal), own the mistake(very important!), explain yourself & tell them how you are going to fix the problem & also about how you are going to make sure that the problem never repeats itself. This will instill the faith back in you & you will be relieved & in no time you will be out of the situation & become AWESOME(as said by Barney!!) :-)

Image courtesy: Internet


  1. Nice post,hopefully none has time to think back..:)

    1. Thanks Julie!!! Yes, If only we had time to retrospect, we would all have a perfect life!!!

  2. Great post Pavithra.. Loved it.. Could really use some of these pointers for myself :-)


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