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President Obama

I have always been an admirer of Barack Obama's speeches, interviews, way of articulation, subject matter expertise, pronunciation & even the personality per se.
But after reading the following article in Times Of India, my respect for him doubled.

Well you know what, being in India & having a Prime Minister who is well educated, non-corrupt, composed but not so strong(in taking quick decisions) will ultimately make anyone look for an excuse to admire the stronger & the determined one & i'm not an exception.

The following is a excerpt from the article(link given above) - which describes Obama's reply to Navy SEAL who took down Bin Laden when asked about what if the Navy SEALs were captured by Pakistani troops during or after the operation - i.e. whether to surrender or to show them 'Navy's might'?

But President Obama called it differently. "This is hearsay, but I understand Obama said, Hell no. My guys are not surrendering. What do we need to rain hell on the Pakistani military?" Bronstein paraphrases the shooter as saying. The commando also makes known his admiration for the President: That was the one time in my life I was thinking, I am f**king voting for this guy. I had a picture of him lying in bed at night, thinking, You're not f***king with my guys. Like, he's thinking about us. 

Isn't it amazing to have a President who will lead from the front and also respects each and every one involved in a mission to get to the target. Guys seriously, it is been 10 freaking years & guess what, Obama did it!! Hats off to the President and hope our's too will become Stronger one day!!!
I really hope all the navy SEALs got their dues in the form of remuneration at least!!

I would be watching "Zero dark Thirty"(Yep, movie about taking down Bin Laden) this weekend. The movie is getting released this Friday in India. Hope, it is a visual treat. I will be writing a review on this movie soon.

Image courtesy: Internet


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