I'm devastated!! "Zero Dark Thrity"(ZDT) did not receive "Best Picture" award in this year's Oscar. What a shame!
Not just that, "Jessica Chastain" did not receive "Best Actress" award either. Adding fuel to the fire, "Kathryn Bigelow" was not even nominated for "Best Director" category. I cannot believe any of these.
This only makes me wonder, is the brand Oscar really worthy of its adulation?
"Zero dark thirty" - nailed the truth about the truth!
Just because it rubbed the nose of some dude in the wrong way does not mean that it should not get its due.
Argo got "Best Picture" award for this year. I watched the movie, it is a good movie( no doubt about that & I respect the effort), but it is no better than ZDT. Argo is a safe movie to say the least, while ZDT is a daredevil movie which talks about the uncomfortable truth. Well, end of the day, it is the truth!
I strongly believe that injustice is done to ZDT.
My heart goes out to ZDT team & in specific to the director "Kathryn Bigelow" & the writer "Mark Boal" whose endless, tiresome, exhausting research and analysis over couple of years gave this movie a structure & spine that none of the other movies could possibly portray.
So what can be done? Well nothing, just move on!
Note: Views expressed above are completely personal.
Image courtesy: Internet
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