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Hard Rock Cafe (Bangalore)

One look at the interior of HRC, Classic!! Rock memorabilia punched all over the wall!
Bangalore has got some of the best restaurants, joints, coffee shops, hangouts, shopping malls, cine outlets & pubs. I have always wanted to go to HRC because of the mere feel-good factor, where you can watch Rockers(Amateurs, Stalwarts, Debutantes & sometimes not-so-good ones ..etc) play & sing music/song from an elevated platform. It is always a pleasure to be here, HRC also has a restaurant which serves continental food(yummy). They have lots of neoclassic items saved from Elvis Presley, Bob Marley time. They also have a vintage shop, where you can buy HRC merchandise(yep, a tad costly - ohh come on, it is HRC!!).
Also, if you are a smoker - they do have a smoking area at the very back - where you can have food with your smoker friends(no offence intended ;-)).
I being a teetotaler, I have always wondered, what the heck will I do there - except for listening to good music. This is where my ex-team mates came handy - they surprised me by taking me to HRC on the parting day. I was completely overwhelmed & had a gala time there. We ordered cheese cakes, burgers, french fries, quite a lot of mock & cocktails - Well, no complaints at all. From then on, I have made quite a few visits to this place. Recently got to know that, they telecast F1 matches on a wide screen - being a F1 fan - I'm definitely visiting HRC on a race day. If you wanna have some good time with live music, drinks along with food & a cool atmosphere as a bonus, yep that's right - head straight to HRC. Do take your buddies along with, for a gala time.
Image courtesy: Somewhere from internet


  1. awesome post,thanks for sharing ur views,want to spend your weekend by wildlife safari then kgudi resorts is best place
    to get good experience


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