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Confidence Booster!!

There are a lot of times in your life, you feel like you did not do something right only because you lack the courage or strength to think big. You are not alone!

There are times when you just want to shove your head in a pillow & cry out loud. People try to come out of such anxious time by overreacting, emotional eating, complaining, making others life a living hell, writing about it & so on.
In our day-to-day life, we would have seen people who are highly enthusiastic & confident 24/7, we have also seen some who are timid & needs help even to speak out & there are the rest, whose confidence graph goes up & down depending on the situation they are in. So as to improve our confidence level, all you need is a secret mantra & a little push. Well, the secret mantra is "Positive Thinking" & to get the little push read further down.

Dress up right:
I do not believe in the phrase -'Appearance is everything', but first time you meet a person or you have a presentation to showcase to a set of audience - the first thing people note or observe is the appearance. So, make yourself presentable. According to me anybody can look presentable & appealing. All you need is the right attitude & patience to figure out which attire suits you. Chuck the term 'fashion' and wear whatever fits you the best. Yes, you can be fat, thin, disproportionate, dark, light & what not - but you can still dress up right & carry the attitude in your walk & talk, trust me confidence comes running aback of you like a Vodafone puppy.

Compliment others:
So as to get confidence, you should take the first step of getting comfortable talking to people. You may only have limited idea on few topics to talk about, but if you can generalize what you know & start a conversation with a stranger or an acquaintance, you have already sowed the seeds of confidence in you & in no time will you reap the benefits. Also when you talk to a stranger or even a friend, you can give a mini compliment as a ice-breaker by saying "Your hair-do looks fantastic, how did you get it done?" or "What perfume are you wearing, it is mild & very refreshing?", next thing you know - the person becomes very comfortable with you & you are already a charmer there.

Lend a helping hand:
Everybody needs help in one way or the other, so when you get a chance or you are in a situation where you can be of some help to a friend or a stranger, just do it.
What have you got to loose there? - a few pennies or a 5 minutes of time ..phew!
Say for example, a stranger lost her purse & she is in a frantic mood understandably & she is asking the passer by for some help - lend her 50 bucks or take her to a nearby police station so that she can file a complaint & make her day a little better. This small gesture would give a streak of happiness & your confidence level increases double fold. Helping hands are the golden hands.

Turn optimistic:
I totally agree that, some time life throws meteors at us and there would be no credible way of coming out. But we have a splendid organ called Brain, which can be tuned according to our wish to make the situation turn better & eventually build confidence to get you out of the situation. All you need is to think positive & also to take positive actions. Say, you are sick today, all you have to do is think about getting better by tomorrow, trust me - you sure will be better tomorrow.
As Priyanka Chopra says in the movie 'Fashion' - "It is all in the attitude, baby" :)

Set goals:
Say, losing weight is your resolution for this year & it is already gonna be March & you have not done anything about it. So, how to achieve the goal?
All you have to focus on is, how will you look once you lose the amount of weight in your mind. Yes, you look definitely better than before, so cultivate the idea of looking better in your brain & every time you see yourself in the mirror, think about the result. List down all the compromises that you have to do to achieve the desired result. Pick the easiest one, start doing. It is better to do something than not doing at all. So this way you can start achieving the goals one by one.
If you have taken the first step of achieving the goal, then everything will fall in place & so will your confidence.

Read or Listen to Motivational speech:
This is the most easy & most efficient way to boost your confidence level. Yes, there are leaders, gurus & even ordinary people who achieved a lot of things in their lives with only two great assets by their side, not money, not fame but just confidence & a strong will power 'to be the change to see the change'. So all we have to do is read about how they did it or listen to their advice. This sure will fire up the confidence in you & will make you take the first baby step towards your goal.

Hope this helps!

Image courtesy: Internet


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